from State Of The Nation:
…and yet many truth seekers are still arguing
about whether this is a wrathful Mother Nature
at work (YES!), Sanctuary City criminal negli-
gence and incompetence (YES!), bad and/or
non-existent land management practices (YES!),
LADWP transmission line overloads (YES!),
triggered SMART meters (YES!), paid illegal
alien arsonists (YES!), desiccated vegetation
after years of geoengineered drought and esp.
the chemtrail-dispersed fire accelerant known
as aluminum (YES!), DEWs remotely targeting
sub-divisions slated for total and complete
destruction for the coming SMART City (YES!),
*A “wrathful Mother nature” because Mother Earth does not like her land to be used to build Sodoms and Gomorrahs.
Submitted by A Very Angry Patriot in LA
SOTN Exclusive
What’s the friggin point of this long overdue screed against We, the fuckin’ People?
People, they’re systematically killing you for decades and knuckleheads are still debating on how they’re doing it … or if it’s intentional … or if it’s accidental … of if it’s yadda, yadda, yadda … … …
The same perps just got finished mass murdering and mass maiming millions with their Covid vax genocide scheme, while they waged their full-scale COVID-19 biowar against the whole country, and yet people somehow still explain away the razing of LA as “wildfire season”. Holy flippin cow!
You all just saw them wipe out Lahaina in a flash of microwave bursts, and yet you believe Los Angeles was just destroyed by a gang of hardcore communist LA Democrats and some strong winds after a homeless guy didn’t put out his joint. Yeah, those DEMs did everything wrong, alright, but that’s because they were ordered to by their well-concealed Khazarian masters.
Y’all saw them burn down Paradise, California faster than you can say D E W, and yet people are staring at LA in disbelief that they’d do it again to the second biggest city in America while the whole world watches … as wave after wave of pyroterrorism still washes over the world capital of the Celebrity Society.
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