by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:
Can we have a serious conversation about China?
China is rapidly overtaking the United States in a number of areas that threaten to undermine America’s position in the world. Naturally, US leaders and their billionaire backers are concerned about this and have taken steps to remedy the situation. Regrettably, none of these steps include an honest appraisal of the western economic model that allows the ‘privileged few’ to skim-off too much of their company’s profits leaving insufficient capital to reinvest in productive activity, critical infrastructure or societal improvement. Chinese policymakers have taken a different approach to this issue and the results speak for themselves. Standards of living have risen sharply, poverty has been eradicated, health care is universal, critical infrastructure is top-notch, and China is getting stronger by the day.
Don’t take my word for it. Read the economic data yourself. Or, better still, Google “Chinese cities” or “Chinese high-speed rail” or “Chinese ports” or “Chinese bridges” etc. See for yourself the miracle that is taking place in China today.
This is not merely a story about China’s meteoric economic rise. It’s a story about a culture and a civilization that has shaken off a century of imperial humiliation and exploded onto the world stage like no other civilization in human history. China is not only a beacon of light in a world that is experiencing paroxysms of violence and genocide on an scale not seen since the second World War, it also serves as blueprint for a future of peaceful coexistence through shared prosperity, economic integration and a vast infrastructure plan for connecting the continents via a new Silk Road. (Belt and Road Initiative) China’s leaders believe that commerce and connectivity can draw the world closer together ending the vicious cycle of wars that threaten to annihilate all of humanity. In short, China is pointing the way out of five centuries of colonial exploitation to a brighter future where nations and people use free markets to work together and ‘lift all boats.’
Did we mention that the Chinese miracle does not require 800 military bases scattered across the planet, or bloody interventions in Iraq, Libya, Syria etc, or countless coups in foreign capitals, or black ops, dirty wars and endless psyops aimed at the American people. (Russiagate, Covid-19, January 6, George Floyd etc) No, China achieved its objectives the old-fashion way, through hard work, initiative, innovation and the support of a government that directs capital to projects that promote the collective interests of the Chinese people. Imagine a government that boldly articulates its vision for the future and then assists the workers and industries that make that dream a reality. That’s what China has done, and that’s what China is doing today. Take a look at this excerpt from an article by Ron Unz: