by Neenah Payne, Activist Post:
“Truth crushed to Earth shall rise again” William Cullen Bryant
Most people didn’t realize that the COVID years (2020-2023) were a global Compliance Test.
Like all tests, people scored along a Bell Curve as shown below.
A — A+: A tiny minority (2-10%) didn’t comply with any of the nonsense. They refused to social distance, wear masks, get the PCR Test, use hand sanitizers, or get the COVID shots. They may have lost their jobs and/or were shunned by family, friends, and neighbors. They passed the test with flying colors. However, they were often vilified as “selfish”, “conspiracy theorists”, “killing Grandma”, and “not following The Science”. These folks tended to rely on the alt media, were independent thinkers, and were conservative. They were the Patrick Henry’s of the 21st century.
B – D: In the middle were the vast majority of people who weren’t sure what to think or do. However, they wanted to go along to get along. Even if they weren’t terrified of COVID, they were afraid of being criticized by family, friends, neighbors, and/or co-workers. So, they complied with most things or everything. These people still trusted TV news and newspapers.
F: A tiny minority went full-bore Nazi. They not only fully and enthusiastically complied with every requirement. They also criticized, yelled at, and may even have reported anyone who didn’t fully comply. They failed the test hands down. People in this group worshiped Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates whom the legacy media presented as a benign “philanthropist”.
The Psychology of Totalitarianism
Mattias Desmet, Belgian author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, says the world went through a “Mass Formation” (psychosis) in 2020-2022. Desmet is a psychologist, statistician, and professor at Ghent University in Belgium. His book explains why so many people accepted the COVID narrative without question. Prof. Desmet said the challenge is to find the solution to the psychological crisis of alienation that led so many people to accept the totalitarian COVID policies. He pointed out that in addressing that malaise, we can come out of COVID better off than we were before.
In Mattias Desmet about Mass Formation and modern society, Carlton Tucker explained that Dr. Robert Malone, creator of the mRNA technology used in the COVID shots, introduced Prof. Desmet’s theory of “Mass Formation” during his interview with Joe Rogan #1757 in December 2021. The search for more information “broke the internet”! Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger”, said Joe Rogan’s interview with Dr. Malone was, without question, one of the most important interviews of 2021.
Prof. Desmet explained that groupthink gives people a sense of belonging which resolves their existential loneliness — the root cause of psychosis. He believes the West got off track during the Enlightenment when science became based solely on the physical and ignored spiritual reality.
Prof. Desmet explained that the reaction to COVID policies fell along a Bell Curve with about 2-20% of people adopting the official narrative without question. The majority (60-80%) went along with the narrative out of fear of COVID, the government, family members, friends, neighbors, employers, and/or co-workers even if they didn’t believe all of it. About 2-20% totally rejected every aspect of the narrative — often at the expense of losing their job, friends, etc.
Dr. Mark McDonald is the author of United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis. The book is a very healing review of how America descended, step by step into madness. Dr. McDonald explained that liberals were more willing to surrender their freedoms than conservatives — and women than men. Both Professor Desmet and Dr. McDonald believe the bigger problem was not tyrannical bureaucrats, but people who gave into irrational fears that led them to accept dangerous policies without question.
The Crazy World of 2000-2023
Charlie Robinson, the host of the Macroaggressions Podcast, is the author of Hypocrazy: Surviving In A World Of Cultural Double Standards and The Octopus of Global Control. Robinson is also the co-author of The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire.