Smart cities or death traps… 5G as a weapon


by Nikki Florio, America Outloud:

5G has been handed to us on a silver platter. With a society indoctrinated – and born – into instant gratification, 5G (5th Generation telecommunications) was an easy tool elites could utilize to control people.

Touted under the guise of faster speeds and downloading – for everything from gaming to emergency health services – along with FREE phones with any telecom contract – these systems in Smart Cities (also known as 15 Minute Cities and C- 40 cities) are being sold as “sustainable” systems that will “help” with government surveillance, introducing AI systems, keeping carbon footprints down, and being overall more “sustainable”/better for the environment than current 20th century infrastructure.


Infrastructure today is currently inundated with these systems. Within the past decade or so, hundreds and hundreds of thousands (and more added every day) of Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) satellites, several million new 5G towers, and several hundred million 5G/LED street lamps in the US alone and even “new” wireless power line projects, have been added. Humans and the environment are now bathing in dangerous electro-smog 24/7.

Can You Hear Me Now

Sometimes, it’s what you don’t hear that should concern you. The lies by omission surrounding the dangers of this technology have gone virtually unnoticed by the general public.

The electromagnetic radiation from these systems impacts every living thing on Earth. Soil microbes, plants, animals, and humans are all negatively affected in different ways by the frequencies utilized in the 30-300 gigahertz (GHz) range. Humans who live in/around these systems – especially those who are smaller – even at the lower end of the 5G spectrum feel the associated symptoms of memory fog, sleep disorders, eye and skin issues, anger and depression, cardiac issues, apoptosis/cancers, and more. For plants/fungi/microbes (think about both the environment and crops grown around these systems), problems ranging from the splitting of DNA strands to molds, mycotoxins, and internal chemical reactions occur. For animals – from pets to insects, to wildlife and livestock – on land and in oceans/rivers/riparian areas/skies – physical and neurologic problems, sudden death, endothermic heating, and more.

FCC Oversight and Execution

The Federal Communications Commission’s mission states, “The FCC regulates interstate and international communications by radio, TV, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, DC and US territories. An independent US government agency overseen by Congress, the FCC is the federal agency responsible for implementing and enforcing America’s communications laws and regulations. This is a pretty important agency… made up of thousands of scientists, physicians, health and environmental experts, parents, and community leaders. Just kidding. Its leadership consists of only FIVE individuals, NONE of whom have a scientific or health background, NONE of whom have mentioned to the public the dangers of the technology, and ALL of whom have helped suppress, through lies of omission, the biologically catastrophic impacts of the technology and infrastructure they control.

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