by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:
QUESTION: You originally said that we should expect an increase in volcanic activity starting in 2019. I believe you said the Pacific Rim would start to become more active by 2025 on the West side. Do you have any update on that and the prospects of something leading to a volcanic winter? It is getting very cold up here in your former home.
ANSWER: The correlations of volcanic activity to sun activity suggest that we should peak in solar activity here with Solar War 25 in 2025 and begin to decline. I previously reported as follows:
“We are now in Solar Cycle 25 with peak sunspot activity expected in 2025. Solar Cycle 24 which ended in December 2019, was of average in length, at 11 years. However, it was the 4th-smallest intensity since regular record keeping began with Solar Cycle 1 in 1755. We’re now in Solar Cycle 25 and we are still in Solar Minimum conditions at this time. Solar Maximum is predicted to occur midway through this cycle which may come as soon as November 2024 but no later than March 2026, with this ideal peak reaching most likely by July 2025.
Right now, the solar wave is conforming more to our model than that of NASA. The Sun has become far more active than NASA has forecast or expected. NASA is beginning to worry that this Solar Cycle 25 could become the Strongest Cycle Since Records Began. Effectively, in terms of our model terminology, Solar Cycle 25 may be a Panic Cycle. In other words, we appear to be headed into the strongest cycle on record following the weakest cycle. That is high volatility in cycle terminology.”
So far, we have seen a dramatic rise in solar flares as we head into the peak of this Solar Wave 25, which our model still shows ideally should peak this summer. Solar Cycle 25 began in December 2019. If we are going to experience a similar event to the Sun falling into a Maunder-minimum-like (inactive) state (1645-1715), which created the mini-Ice Age, it does not appear to be this cycle. That becomes possible in Solar Cycle 26, which will probably begin from 2029 to 20230. This wave should have a sunspot range of 95 to 130 at the peak. The decline in population we see post-2032 appears to be possible compared to war and the solar minimum.
Solar Minimums appear to be taking place close to a 309.6-year cycle. There have been many studies on the impact of UV and gamma radiation during solar changes and events. Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, as are radio waves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and microwaves. Gamma rays can treat cancer, and astronomers study gamma-ray bursts.
I have also reported that our correlation models show that solar minimums correspond to increased volcanic activity. Volcanic winters take place during solar minimums. It seems that gamma rays may be why volcanoes erupt more during these periods. This certainly also reduces food production and increases disease, presumably because of a rise in malnutrition. However, since gamma rays are also used to treat cancer, there is at least a basis to warrant further investigation if the increase in gamma rays during solar minimums impacts certain susceptible people or those with particular DNA sequences. I warned back in 2018 that going into a solar minimum in 2019 would help to increase a commodity boom into 2020-2024.
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