American Pravda: UFOs, Alien Abductions, and Other Strange Things


by Ron Unz, The Unz Review:

UFOs and Space Aliens

Decades ago I became fully convinced that UFOs were real. I even accepted that past visits to our planet of such space aliens had been the basis for many of the religious myths of different societies all around the world, just as Erich von Däniken had argued in his massive 1971 bestseller Chariots of the Gods?


However, I was just in elementary school at the time, and once I’d reached my teens and entered junior high, my views sharply changed. I remember doing a term-paper on UFOs, and after reading a couple of books on the subject, I forcefully rejected those theories as pseudo-scientific nonsense.

Since then, I’ve never paid the slightest attention to stories about UFOs, alien abductions, or similar matters. Indeed, I’ve occasionally even cited those theories as stark examples of the total rubbish that can sometimes infect the minds of individuals after they discover the truth about the JFK Assassination, the 9/11 Attacks, and similar controversial historical events long-suppressed by our dishonest mainstream media. But given that roughly a half-century has now elapsed, I decided to take a second look at that subject and see whether the case seemed more plausible today than the one I had summarily rejected at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

Our very lightly moderated website attracts commenters holding a vast range of different conspiratorial beliefs that are unwelcome elsewhere, and while some of these are plausible, others are much less so. Given that I’d seen so many different eccentric beliefs advocated in some of the discussions, I thought that these might represent nearly the entire spectrum of ideas ignored or belittled by the mainstream media. UFOs and space aliens almost never came up as subjects, so I’d vaguely assumed that movement had largely faded away over the last generation or two, but I turned out to be completely mistaken.

The recent wave of strange drone sightings on the East Coast led to some renewed talk of UFOs, and this prompted one of our occasional contributors to drop me a note strongly suggesting that I investigate that latter subject:

In light of the recent ‘drone’ activity that’s been all over the news, I’ve wondered for some time if you’re ever going to write an article about our government’s UFO/UAP cover-up? If there’s one subject where the government has worked tirelessly to prevent the American people from knowing, it’s surely in the realm of UFOs, reverse engineering of UFO craft, and the 2017 NYT article in which it exposed the Pentagon’s black programs investigating UAPs.

Honestly, I think if you looked into it, you would find an incredible number of admissions and concessions on the part of our government that we do indeed have downed UFO craft, and that we have been in contact with Non-Human Intelligence for quite some. I know that sounds a little crazy, but the evidence is available if one is assiduous in reviewing it.

If you’re curious to begin, I can think of no other book than the one written by Richard M. Dolan, “UFOs for the 21st Century Mind: The Definitive Guide.” Dolan is level-headed and not prone to sensationalism. He’s a good writer and clear thinker too. It’s available on Amazon.

I think the subject matter would be terrific for your American Pravda series.

My response was rather dismissive:

…I’m *extremely* skeptical that there’s anything to the UFO nonsense. I think the notion that it has anything to do with aliens is utter, total crackpottery…

In fact, I’ve occasionally cited UFO stories as a perfect example of conspiracy-nonsense accepted by the gullible…

Now it’s perfectly possible that a few of the old UFO sightings were real but were merely of experimental American military aircraft or something like that, but that’s about as far as I would go…

Still, I pride myself on my open-mindedness, and I obviously have had a very long track record of being 100% wrong on all sorts of other controversial issues, so I’ve gone ahead and ordered that book you suggested and will take a look at it. Maybe it will convince me that there’s something to the theory, or if not, perhaps I’ll write up a piece setting forth my own contrary views in more detailed fashion.

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