by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:
Hospitals in at least three states — New York, New Jersey and California — are returning to mask mandates, claiming they will help protect people from the spate of viruses going around, despite no reputable scientific studies to prove that masks do anything to prevent the spread of viruses. Look for other states to jump on the mask bandwagon in the coming days and weeks.
Guess what? It’s winter. People get colds. People get the flu. That’s part of life. No mask is going to stop that. And you might end up with something much worse than a cold or flu if you submit to one of Big Pharma’s patented death shots. Let me explain.
But in New York, state health officials are requiring healthcare workers to mask up. RWJ Barnabas Health in New Jersey is doing the same.
Dr. Marc Lashley of Allied Physicians Group on Long Island, is using scare tactics to pressure his patients to get flu shots, many of which are now of the genetically altering mRNA variety.
At Valley Stream Pediatrics, 3-year-old Kylah got a flu shot. Dr. Lashley told local media he is wishing all his patients would do the same and get themselves and their kids injected.
He is quoted by ABC7 TV saying:
“I’m very concerned that the flu vaccine rate has dropped. It’s really plummeted.”
I wonder why that is, Dr. Lashley. It couldn’t be, could it, that vaccines are killing people daily and severely injuring others?
It couldn’t be that people are waking up because you, and so many other doctors, prostituted yourselves out to Big Pharma by pushing endless doses of so-called vaccines that have never been fully tested on human health (RFK Jr. has documented this).
Let’s be honest, doctors like Marc Lashley prostituted themselves because they like getting paid hefty bonuses at the end of the year for reaching certain quotas of their patients being shot up with these poisons. That dirty little secret was revealed during the Covid scamdemic. Many doctors chose to enrich themselves rather than care about the health of their patients, even pushing these death shots on babies, toddlers and teens who had absolutely zero risk of ever dying from Covid. The doctors lied to parents, scared them with disinformation, and got them to poison their own children.
Many of these children and young adults are now left with myocarditis, autoimmune diseases, and a lifetime of other serious health issues.
You, Dr. Lashley, should be ashamed of yourself. You’ve violated your Hippocratic oath, a promise to do no harm. Remember that?
The corporate media is also complicit in colluding with the corrupt, greedy doctors. They are part of the death cult, telling lies and using scare tactics to get people to agree to be injected with these dirty gene-based serums.
The latest vaccination numbers from New York State and the CDC are “not encouraging,” according to ABC 7. As of last week, in Nassau and Suffolk counties, the COVID vaccination rate was a little more than 6% whereas nationally it’s at 20%.
That’s because people are waking up to the lies. Lies from the criminal doctors of death like Dr. Lashley, and their accomplices in the corrupt mockingbird media who continue to cover up the truth about the deadly shots.