DOJ Finally Releases Suppressed IG Report on Jan 6: Here’s What They’re Still Covering Up


from Revolver News:

Loyal and longtime readers may recall that we began our very first major report exploring federal involvement in the January 6 Fedsurrection with a striking exchange between Senator Amy Klobuchar and Christopher Wray, in which Klobuchar asks the FBI director if he had any informants in place prior to January 6th.


Christopher Wray is able to uncomfortably weasel his way out of answering the question directly, partially because Klobuchar does him the courtesy of not asking him the question directly. Klobuchar instead asks the FBI director if he wishes he had infiltrated the militia organizations allegedly involved in 1/6—assuming from the outset that there was in fact no infiltration, thereby providing the FBI director an easy way to avoid addressing the question one way or another.

Early this afternoon, the Department of Justice finally released its long-suppressed Inspector General report on January 6th. The substance of the report, as well as the timing, helps to shed light on FBI Director Christopher Wray’s seemingly abrupt and premature decision to resign (announced yesterday). Indeed, while the report must be understood in essence as a limited hangout cover-up job released under great reluctance, what it does reveal is damning enough for Christopher Wray, the FBI, and the malicious and discredited Fedsurrection narrative as a whole.

Let’s start with some of the highlights. First, the FBI IG report acknowledges the presence of multiple CHS’s (informants), some of whom were sent to DC for Jan 6 by the FBI, and some of whom went on their own accord and reported to their handlers in the FBI.

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