Veterans Evicted, Migrants Prioritized: The Tyranny of Globalist Policies Hits Home in America (Videos)


from RAIR Foundation:

RAIR Foundation frequently reports on stories from various European cities where, for years, locals have been deprioritized for social housing or even expelled from their homes to make way for migrants.

This disturbing trend has now reached America, as seen in a particularly cruel example from New York, where a 94-year-old U.S. Army veteran has been forced to find a new place to live.


According to the New York Post, the “94-year-old [was] kicked out of NYC nursing home to make room for migrants.”

A 94-year-old U.S. Army veteran is blasting his Staten Island assisted living home for kicking him out and then cutting a deal to welcome migrants — saying it’s ‘not fair’ he was sent packing.

Frank Tammaro was given less than two months’ notice that he and 53 other seniors would have to leave Island Shores Residences in March and had to make other living arrangements.

‘I felt horrible,’ Tammaro, a lifelong New Yorker, told Fox News. ‘It’s no joke getting thrown out of a house.’”



This phenomenon has been recorded since 2015 across Western Europe and has now reached the United States. It is a direct consequence of global policies like the United Nations’ Replacement Migration plan and the Global Compact for Migration, as explained in the video below from 2018:

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