Free Reiner!


by Peter Koenig, Lew Rockwell:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a German lawyer who created in 2020 the German Corona Investigative Committee to investigate the Corona fraud not only in Germany but around the world. He had top medical doctors, virologists and other medical scientists on his program, people in pursuit of the truth and to propagate the truth among people who have been negatively affected by Covid measures and later having been coerced to receive the poisonous “vaxx” which was never a vaccination, by an often-deadly injection.


During his program Reiner helped thousands of people freeing them from fear and anxieties, allowing them living a more normal life again.

This, the German Government did not like, and through infiltration in his team, the Corona Committee was demolished.

Reiner eventually was falsely accused of financial wrongdoing and is since more than 14 months in pretrial detention in one of Germany’s high-security prisons in Rosdorf, near Göttingen. He is a political prisoner in the so-called democracy of Germany, he is a prisoner of war – in our times of war silent war of the Globalists against Us, the People.

Reiner has dedicated his life to defend the interests of the people. Reiner is a hero.

Following is a transcript of my speech at the demo in Geneva on 30 November 2024.


Friends of Reiner Fuellmich!

What we are witnessing through the trial against Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a scandal without precedent! It is likely unparalleled in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1949 that a German public prosecutor would act with such disproportion and disregard for the rule of law.

To say it bluntly the way it is: Reiner Fuellmich is a political prisoner of Germany.

Yes, a political prisoner in a so-called Democracy of Europe.

In 2020, at the outset of the Covid hysteria, Reiner created the German Corona Investigative Committee (CIC) – a TV program in which he interviewed medical specialists, virologists, and many other scientists, helping thousands of fearful and stressed people, by divulging the truth about covid.

Germany and the current Globalist tyranny in which many of us are living, does not want the truth to be known. They needed a reason to stop him. Ms. Vivian Fischer, lawyer and Reiner’s partner in the CIC, eventually denounced Reiner for unlawfully deviating donation funds destined for the CIC.

Deviation of money was an abject lie in the first place.

However, others, former colleagues and co-workers, including a renowned doctor and scientist Dr. Wodarg, in the Corona Investigative Committee, jumped on the bandwagon of the traitors to accuse Reiner.

In the lawless “rules-based” system we are confronted with for at least the past four years, it would be no surprise, if Reiner’s turncoats were all coerced, or paid, blackmailed –  or all of the above – by those who pretend to control “THE GLOBALIST SYSTEM”, for giving false testimony.

The cowardice of these people was sufficient to collapse the German Corona Committee.

Reiner is licensed to practice Law in California and had a ranch in California. He tried to move with his wife to California. By strange coincidence – or by coordination between the German and US secret services— Reiner was not allowed entering the US.

So, he established himself temporarily in Mexico, where he created the ICIC (International Crime Investigation Committee), from where he invited numerous guests to talk about crimes committed in the name of the globalist elite, those who created the “rules-based order.”

This “rules-based order” is devoid of any international law and can be changed and shifted around as it suits the political elite’s necessities.

Case in point is Germany which has been getting away with a political crime – Human Rights infractions, on Reiner, an honest citizen, who was telling and publishing the truth – the truth about Corona, the truth about crimes committed against humanity by the very Governments that are paid to serve the people.

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