from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: Make no mistake, the Laurel Canyon/Benedict Canyon area of Los Angeles, California is where a lot of very strange deaths have occur and extremely violent murders took place.  So when a very wealthy and powerful Rothschild like Will Rothschild allegedly gets burned alive in his own home in Laurel Canyon, one has to wonder what really happened there.

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KEY POINTS: Just like President John F. Kennedy was brutally assassinated in the most public of settings as a message to all future heads of state never to leave the NWO reservation, the 1969 Tate–LaBianca murders were perpetrated under the direction of CIA mind-controlled Charles Manson as a gruesome warning to the entire Celebrity Society to go with the flow of Cultural Marxism.  In other words, just as the Khazarian Cabal routinely threatens every world leader with the prospect of being JFKed should they blatantly impede the New World Order agenda, any Hollywood actor or Nashville singer or Professional athlete will be susceptible to being “Mansoned” should they buck the trend toward total societal degradation, sexual depravity and moral degeneracy.  Hence, we see all of America’s biggest stars and celebrities and VIPs today leading the charge to irreparably tear the fabric of American society.
(Source: LAUREL CANYON: Where the Hippie Generation & Rock ‘n’ Roll Met the C.I.A. and Tavistock Institute)

Who doesn’t know by know that the Rothschild International Crime Syndicate and Global Bankster Network is responsible for literally hundreds of millions of murders worldwide since that Khazarian Klan’s patriarch — Mayer Amschel Rothschild — first became a highly predatory bankster for the Black Nobility.  Which is why the Rothschild Crime Family is either directly or indirectly responsible for the list crimes waves against humanity listed in this link: THE DARK TRIAD OF THE KHAZARIAN CABAL.

Which also means that the Rothschilds have accumulated a LOT of karma over the past 3 centuries.  Especially when one takes into consideration the multifarious Rothschild crime sprees against just U.S. presidents, as the following exposé well delineates, will the jaws of karma bite when those banksters least expect it.

Rothschilds Murdered at least Seven US Presidents

As for the allegedly deceased Will Rothschild, not only does he NOT have his own Wikipedia page as most of them do, he’s not even listed anywhere on their main Wiki family page.  Which would lead any mysterious death investigator to believe that there’s quire likely a HUGE back story here; and one that will never be released except by a disillusioned Rothschild family member.

There is no question about one thing concerning the multi-century Rothschild crime saga, which very few folks ever seem to get: the more public the Rothschild persona, the less real power they actually wield.  For the true power behind the global power structure always operates in absolute secrecy; and never exposes itself since complete concealment and total anonymity are its most important defenses.  Which could mean that Will Rothschild was much more influential in the affairs of men than the MSM news reports would have one believe.

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