The Western World Retreats Deeper Into Unreality


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Don’t you think it is strange that humanity faces the possibility of extinction and there is no peace movement?  Does our insouciance extend so far that we are indifferent to our existence?  Even alternative media sites such as Simplicius downplay the threat

On November 18, 2024, the US and NATO fired from Ukrainian soil missiles into Russia despite the Russian government’s clear announcement that such reckless action would initiate war between the West and Russia.  The Western presstitutes reported that Ukraine fired the US and UK supplied missiles, but this is a lie.  The Ukrainians are not trained to operate the missile system and do not have the capability to target them.  The missiles have to be operated by US/NATO personnel.


The missiles were intercepted by Russian air defense.  However, their firing placed the US and NATO at war with Russia.  Russia responded by demonstrating a new missile, for which the West has no counterpart or ability to deter, to completely destroy a Ukrainian military production facility. Putin’s hope was that the demonstration of the new hypersonic Russian missile would deter further attacks.  But it did not.  It is ironic that Putin’s attempt to limit conflict by confining it to Donbas gave the West the opportunity to greatly widen the war.

On November 23 and November 25 the US/NATO again fired missiles into Russia.  We are awaiting the Russian response.

Putin, a democratically elected leader with popular support unmatched by any Western leader, Trump included, is disadvantaged in his dealing with the West by his humanitarianism.  He is slow to recognize evil, and responds after the event to the Western threat to Russia’s existence  rather than in a proactive way.  All the initiative rests with the West.

It is likely that Putin has noticed that every new reckless action floated by the West as a way of aiding Ukraine was first denied and then approved. Step by step initially denied weapon system after system has been approved, including long-range missiles that Washington said would never be sent.  When they were sent, Washington said the missiles would never be permitted to be used beyond the battlefield.

Now the missiles, that would never be sent or used beyond the battlefield, have been used 3 times to strike inside Mother Russia herself.  This irresponsible, reckless action by the Biden regime and NATO has been done in the face of the clear statement by the Russian government that it means the US and NATO are at war with Russia, and it is in defiance of revised Russian military doctrine that now permits Russia to attack any country, regardless of whether it is a nuclear power, with nuclear weapons if the country attacks Russia with conventional weapons. The doctrine allows all NATO countries, including the US, to be attacked with nuclear weapons if any country allied with them, such as Ukraine, attacks Russia with conventional weapons. In the context of the conflict in Ukraine, attacking Russia means beyond the battlefield area itself.

With the three missile attacks inside Mother Russia beyond the battlefield itself, Washington and NATO have made it legal under Russian war doctrine for the West to receive a Russian nuclear attack.  As I have previously written, only an insane government in Washington would open the door to nuclear war. It is Putin’s patience with the West that is preventing nuclear war.

Putin is likely to keep his patience with the insanity of the West until Trump is in office and Putin determines whether a mutual defense treaty, denied by the insane Biden regime, is possible with the Trump regime. If not, there is no basis for Putin’s hope of avoiding a major war. Sooner or later Putin will have to move from a reactive mode to a proactive mode, if Russia is to be protected. Indeed, determined to poison the relationship for Trump, Washington could target the Kursk nuclear plant and send radioactivity over Russia or target Moscow itself. Either of these could terminate Putin’s patience.

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