New Secessionist Movements Emerge – And No, It’s Not Texas!


from The National Pulse:

A movement is gaining traction in several rural counties across states such as Illinois and California to form new states separate from more urbanized, leftist population centers. Conservatives in such areas have noted an exodus from their communities to Republican states and want to follow their lead—while staying put.

In Illinois, the New Illinois State group has proposed creating a new state constitution, advocating to “Leave Illinois Without Moving.” On Election Day, seven rural counties in Illinois voted to consider secession from the state. In Iroquois County, 73 percent of voters supported separation from Cook County, which includes Chicago, housing 40 percent of Illinois’ populace. G.H. Merritt, chairman of the New Illinois State, is hopeful. He believes that Illinois’ fiscal challenges could present a negotiation opportunity.


Similar movements are underway in California, where New California State aims to separate from the Bay Area, Sacramento, and Los Angeles. Founder Paul Preston described California as currently constituted as leaning towards a “one-party communist state.”

The road to forming new states is fraught with challenges. New states need approvals from state legislatures. The last time a new state was added to the U.S. was Hawaii. Statehood bids by Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. have yet to succeed.

Elsewhere, Oregon’s Greater Idaho movement seeks to merge rural counties beyond the Cascade range with Idaho. In Maryland, a 2021 initiative saw three counties attempt to join West Virginia.

The urban-rural divide continues to significantly impact U.S. politics. During his campaign, President-elect Donald J. Trump capitalized on rural support and eroded Democratic dominance in urban areas.

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