by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

“At home, fellow citizens, you best know whether we have done well or ill. The suppression of unnecessary offices, of useless establishments and expenses enabled us to discontinue our internal taxes. These covering our land with officers, and opening our doors to their intrusions, had already begun that process of domiciliary vexation which, once entered, is scarcely to be restrained from reaching successively every article of produce and property.” – Thomas Jefferson – 2nd Inaugural Address – 1805

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“There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster.” – Ludwig von Mises – 1944

In 1805, only a few short years after the creation of our nation, Thomas Jefferson boasted that he had reduced the size and cost of government by eliminating useless offices, allowing him to discontinue unnecessary taxes and halt the government bureaucracy in its tracks. Jefferson hated big government, but most of his successors loved growing the government bureaucracy and taxing us directly through the hundreds of income, property, sales, and myriad of other taxes and fees, while taxing us indirectly through Federal Reserve purposely created inflation.

In addition, the government lies to us every time they issue their monthly reports about inflation, employment, economic growth and government spending. Anyone living in the real world knows everything the government proclaims is a bold-faced lie.

We know for a fact the average price of a new vehicle is up 130% ($48k vs. $21k) since 2000, while the government reported increase reflected in the CPI is 25% – because you can now push a button and heat your ass. You know the mega-food corps have reduced the amount of chips in the bag they are selling you by 20%, while charging more, but the government does not calculate this shrinkflation into their manipulated excel spreadsheet models. It is crucial for them to hide the truth, so they can underpay your granny in her monthly SS pittance. Whenever I see a government report I’m reminded of the scene from Clint Eastwood’s Outlaw Josey Wales.

“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.” – Fletcher to U.S. Senator

There have been very few presidents in our 235 years of existence who made any attempt to restrain, let alone reduce, the size of government, with only Andrew Jackson and the Gingrich/Clinton years coming to mind. The weeks since the election of Trump have been a whirlwind of cabinet announcements, regime media hysterics, and Deep State traitors (Brennan, Schiff, Cheney, Bolton, et al) vehemently attacking Trump’s selections in order to deflect focus away from their treasonous coup against Trump. It has been fascinating to observe the wide range of reactions to Trump’s election and his subsequent appointments to his cabinet.

As Mises pointed out 80 years ago, there is nothing more dangerous than a menacing government of incompetent, corrupt, vile men (now includes women). It’s as if he was describing Biden, Harris, and their entire degenerate administration. Now we get to find out if the 2nd Trump administration is different than the 1st. We know it can’t be as horrific as the last four years of criminality, degeneracy, debt creation, societal chaos, DEI and trannie absurdity, warmongering and denial of reality.

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