Violent Venezuelan gangs continue to spread chaos throughout the U.S.


from WND:

‘Under the final months of the Biden administration, they will continue to grow in numbers and continue to expand around the country and Americans will unfortunately be targeted’

As the chaos caused at the southern border by the Biden administration spills over into small town America, a growing threat is emerging from foreign-born prison gangs which some experts say will intentionally target Americans.


During an interview with Fox News, Former Department of Homeland Security adviser Charles Marino said American citizens should be worried about the Venezuelan prison-gang Tren de Aragua, which is beginning to take hold all over America.

“As Tren de Aragua becomes a greater portion of the population, so will the reports of violent interactions with this violent gang based out of Venezuela,” Marino told Fox News Host Carley Shimkus, “Look, under the final months of the Biden administration, they will continue to grow in numbers and continue to expand around the country and Americans will unfortunately be targeted. So we will hear many more stories.”

“It’s simply astonishing to me… that here you have an administration under Biden that allowed, designed, and created all the conditions for this crisis to occur… and what will change is on day one, the Trump administration will change that narrative. They will have those in the country illegally, those that are committing crimes, on the run and looking over their shoulders.”

Marino noted sanctuary states and cities will also experience a greater presence from federal agencies like ICE, which will be rooting out these gang members and other undocumented criminals for deportation.

“What I can tell you is ICE is also going to be focusing on where these violent gangs and criminals are going to protect them, and that will be in sanctuary cities. So what these sanctuary cities will find, since they’re not going to cooperate with ICE and other federal agencies, is they will see a greater representation of federal law enforcement,” Marino said.

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