California to Castrate Texas Man’s 12-Year-Old


    from Moonbattery:

    When liberal jurisdictions declare themselves to be transgender sanctuary stateshere’s what that means:

    A California judge has permanently stripped parental rights from Texas father Jeffrey Younger over his refusal to allow his 12-year-old son to be chemically and surgically castrated at the wish of the boy’s mom. …

    Younger and Anne Georgulas have been locked in a legal battle over the mother’s attempts to raise their boy James as a “girl” named “Luna,” including surgically and chemically transforming his body to more closely resemble this imposed “gender identity.”

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    In order to sacrifice the innocent boy to her vile ideology, she brought him to California, which is ruled by likeminded fiends. She had help from the Texas Supreme Court, which voted 8 to 1 to let her do this.

    Younger has spent hundreds of thousands in legal fees to save his son from a horrific fate — to no avail. Through no fault of his own, the boy has been denied any possibility of living a normal, healthy life.

    Some crimes are so morally repugnant that to punish them with life in prison would be a wrist slap.

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