They Will Inject You While You’re Unconscious


by Lioness of Judah, Exposing The Darkness:

Nurse Warns of “Biogenics”” and Forced Flu Shots Happening in US Hospitals.

“…When you go to the hospital…you need a surgery…first they gonna ask you if you’ve had the vaccines. You gonna say no, then they gonna say that you need to sign this consent. In the consent is a word “Biogenics”.

If you sign the consent saying I consent for you to give me “Biogenics”, that basically means that they can give you anything that they deem necessary including vaccines.


So if you say you did not get a flu shot, it’s “flu season”, and you signed the consent that say I agree to “Biogenics”, they will give you a vaccine even if you under anesthesia…Unless you go and get your medical record, you will not know that you got a flu vaccine…

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