Flush With Cash From The Biden Administration, Ukraine Is Now Saying They Have The Capability To Produce A ‘Homemade Nuke’ To Fight Russia With


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Ukraine has the resources and expertise to indigenously produce a large quantity of nuclear weapons at short notice if it was forced to do so, a briefing document meant for top government figures allegedly says, a report states.

Today, Biden administration Secretary of State Antony Blinken talked, bragged actually, about the massive amount of money the United States is planning on funneling, some would say laundering, to Ukraine in their endless war with Russia. It’s already at $8.5 billion since September, with many more billions to follow. What is Ukraine doing with that money? Making homemade nuclear bombs to attack Russia with.

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The west and NATO continue to do this funny, little dance that draws us ever closer to WWIII, not the least of which is a proxy war being waged through Ukraine against Russia. If Ukraine actually starts building ‘homemade nukes’ it can only end in disaster. The fact that the outgoing Biden administration is bragging about the obscene amounts of money being given to Ukraine, in light of the very sparse support for Americans after things like hurricanes and floods, is beyond appalling. This is one of the main reasons why Donald Trump won in a landslide, to return some sense of normalcy to Washington, if such a thing can actually be done. There are still another 67 days left in the Biden administration, and they can still do a lot of damage.

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