Now it can be told: the truth about the Covid jabs is slowly coming out


by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

Matt Taibbi: “I agree with Alex Berenson” that the mRNAs failed. Very significant, because even the big independent voices – like Taibbi and the Free Press – have been reluctant to join me on this.

Our responses in Berenson v Biden are due Friday, so I don’t have a lot time to write. Too bad – we have so much to talk about right now.

But I did want to highlight this line from Matt Taibbi, probably the most important independent journalist working today. (My ego groans as I write that, but the truth is what it is. The Unreported Truths audience is big, Matt’s is YUUUGE.)


Last week, in a piece headlined, “Begin the Deprogramming: There Was No “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated,” Taibbi wrote:

(Spoiler alert, he’s not a Chinese jet pilot.)

“I agree with defamed reporter Alex Berenson.”

Taibbi is referring, of course, to my infamous post of Sat., Aug. 28, 2021:

Lest you’ve forgotten (I doubt you’ve forgotten), this was the tweet that led to my ban, after Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb sent it to Twitter lobbyist Todd O’Boyle, the culmination of the long conspiracy to make Twitter censor me.

I suspect every Unreported Truths reader knows the accuracy of these words. Yet Taibbi’s endorsement matters. Mainstream reporters have largely ignored my lawsuit against the Biden Administration and Pfizer officials over their conspiracy to censor me, just as they ignored my previous successful lawsuit against Twitter over the ban.

But even conservative or independent/Substack outlets, to the limited extent they have covered the case, have generally stuck to recounting it as a First Amendment battle, without acknowledging the fundamental truth that I was right about the Covid mRNA shots.

They did not work as promised, if at all. They had severe side effects. Their use should have been confined only to the relative handful of people at the highest risk from Covid. And they should now be removed from the market, both because Omicron is less dangerous than earlier Covid strains and because we have mounting evidence they have unexpected and potentially dangerous long-term impacts on the immune system.

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