UNCTAD, COP29, They Did It Again: Digital Tyranny Beyond The Worst Imaginations of George Orwell 1984


by Peter Koenig, Global Research:

Already in November 2023, UNCTAD has made infamous headlines by announcing a digital future; see this:

“UNCTAD – in blatant derogation of its historical mandate on behalf developing countries, namely the Global South–, will level the playing field, as the saying goes, on behalf of the entire UN System by announcing in a Press Release in Geneva on 15 November 2023, its e-Week from 4 to 8 December 2023, in a major revamp of its annual e-Commerce Week series which began in 2016.

UNCTAD’s Secretary-General, Rebecca Grynspan said,

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“The digital economy plays a critical role in advancing development goals at all levels. Through inclusive and multi-stakeholder discussions, we can together build a global digital future that works for all.”

“More than 3,000 stakeholders from 130 countries will examine how to turn digital opportunities into shared development gains and close existing divides for a sustainable future.””

See this for full article.

For those who understand what full digitization of everything means, it is clearly pointing the way to digital tyranny, to a digital Gulag – promoted by UNCTAD, a UN organization, well-aware of what they are doing.

UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) seems to have become the UN spearhead for announcing – or re-announcing – the UN system’s anti-human Agenda 2030 ongoing and to come.

Now UNCTAD is helping in selling to the world the climate hoax, big time.

It is warning the world of an imminent climate disaster, as the globe once again is entering one of the most CO2-generating world events, COP29, which will take place in Azerbaijan’s capital city, Baku, between November 11 and 22, 2024.

The official meaning of COP is Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It is an international climate summit, which is held annually. At COPs, world leaders gather to work together on solutions to tackle climate change.

As of the current date, the number of participants who have successfully registered for COP29 has surpassed 32,000. The official registration has only begun in June 2024. So, this may just be the beginning of more [participants] to come.

COP28 took place a year ago in Dubai with more than 85,000 participants. If you believe the official interpretation, COPs are for world leaders to find solutions to the inevitable and rapidly progressing climate change.


COP28 in UAE (Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


Really? Does the world have 32,000 or even 85,000 “leaders”? With their reasonable entourage, you might get to 2,000.

What about all the others?

First, all fly into Azerbaijan in CO2-emitting fuel-guzzling jets, hundreds, if not thousands, in private jets.

Imagine? To go and pretend chatting about protecting the environment from earth-killing greenhouse gases?

Most of the world and participants may have never known that COP21 of 2015 in Paris issued a “clandestine” agreement, not to be published, saying that CO2 from wars and other military activities, as well as from air traffic and ocean travel, is not to be counted. Very smart because the military, worldwide, is by far the biggest polluter.

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