After An Overwhelming And Decisive Election Day Win, George Soros Funded Pro-Palestinian Anti-Trump Protests Erupt Across Several Democrat Cities


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

In Chicago, a day after America decided, the United States Palestinian Community Network protested Donald Trump’s victory at Federal Plaza.

When Americans went to the polls on Tuesday, they voted across the board in favor of the platform that Donald Trump campaigned for president on, decisively and overwhelmingly. Trump won the Electoral College vote, the Popular vote, he won in the House, in the Senate and in the governors races. The American people not only voted him in in a landslide, they gave him a clear mandate to enact key Trump agenda items like immigration control and reform. Thousands of George Soros funded Pro-Palestinian agitators don’t see it that way, and last night in Chicago and Philadelphia, they took to the streets calling for an end of the nascent Trump presidency that won’t even begin until January 21st, 2025.


America is a nation of immigrants, and that is part of our strength. My dad’s family arrived here in 1732 from Germany by way of Holland and France, and my mom’s family arrived on a boat from Scotland at Ellis Island in 1922. Legal immigration is good and necessary in order to maintain our super-sized nation with the workforce needed to keep things running smoothly and efficiently. George Soros, and now his son Alex Soros, spend tens of millions of dollars per year to flood our streets with political agitators like the ones in our story today. Soros and the Democrats are the ones keeping racism alive, fomenting hatred and causing division. Donald Trump stands for American sovereignty over our borders, and they hate him for that. Donald Trump supports the Jewish state of Israel, and they hate him for that, too.

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