by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

You might recall that last week I blogged about the Baal and Medusa Gates Foundation wanting, and obtaining, diplomatic immunity from the government of Kenya, and the worrisome precedent it sets. But perhaps we gain a clue into the twisted mentality driving billionaire busybody-ism with this recent story shared by V.T.:

Not for nothing do I occasionally resort to my nickname for this miserific billionaire busybody: Baal Gates. After all, one of his insane ideas is to blot out the sun to help combat climate change. But now, in the name of technology, he is taking aim at religion and arguing that we need a new global religion to accompany the New “Golden” Age of Artificial Intelligence:


If you thought Bill Gates’ deadly DNA-altering vaccines were bad, wait until you hear about what he had to say about ushering in a new global religion to accommodate article technology.

During an appearance on the “Possible” podcast, co-hosted by LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, Gates insisted humanity needs a new type of global religion to coincide with AI technology.

During the unnerving episode, Gates reflects on “spiritually” before suggesting that the current religions of the world will become obsolete.

“The potential positive path is so good that it will force us to rethink how should we use our time,” Gates said.

That’s right, Gates wants us to all begin worshiping machines and reject God.

Gates appears to suggest that transhumanism and new virtual worlds would be so alluring, that some sort spiritual authority would be needed for this shift.

“So it’s fascinating that we will. The issues of, you know, disease and enough food or climate if things go well will largely become solved problems,” Gates said.

“And, you know, so the next generation does get to say, ‘Okay, given that some things that were massively in shortage are now not, how do, how do we take advantage of that?’”

You may wonder why Gates isn’t reaching for current religions like Christianity or Catholicism, which still dominate American faith identification and significant segments of public life.

That’s right; Gates is expecting, or hoping, that technology will make Christ obsolete, allowing elites to manufacture their own God.

They don’t want you to connected to a divine creator they have no control over; they want you connected to their own creation.

Ok…I can buy all of that, but from a man whose foundation is seeking diplomatic immunity and who wants to blot out the sun, I’m suspecting there’s a bit more involved than simply spending time on “their” machines, that something being a massive and unhealthy dose of That Most Ancient Hubris, the desire to become, or think, oneself to be godlike because of the illusion of power that and ‘immortality” that technology and technocracy convey to those who succumb to its blandishments.  Mr. Gates wants to be one of the programmers of that Artificial Intelligence “god,” and thus, wants to be one of the hidden college of cardinals that keeps the whole mechanism running.

In short, he is rather like that character in C.S. Lewis’s apocalyptic novel, That Hideous Strength, Dr. Filostrato, a fat, essentially eunuched scientist who thinks he has achieved immortality by keeping a severed human head alive in a laboratory, connected to tubes and electrodes  providing artificial saliva, nutrients, and electrical brain activity. The scientist thinks he has “revived” the person to whom the severed head once belonged (a guillotined murderer from France), but alas, no, the head has been “occupied” by  Something Else that demands absolute and unquestioning “service,” making the scientist both master and slave of his unnatural ‘creation.”

Something similar is, I suspect, at work here: That Ancient Hubris and desire for an immortality and power “unencumbered” by any common decency,  morality, and genuine humanity.  One wonders if Mr. Gates’ “religion” will have a compulsory “tithe”, or a version of Peter’s pence? If his prior history is any indicator, I doubt very much it will be limited to the biblical ten percent. Government already demands way more than God does (or did)…. one wonders what Gates’ version of the severed head or the genius of Roman, or technocratic, administration will demand?

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