Who Controls The Wire? This Election Will Tell Us


by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

November 5th, 2024 isn’t just Guy Fawkes Day in the UK. It’s not just the day of the US Presidential Election. It’s the day we figure out just how far we’ve come in wresting control of The Wire from the forces of control who believe they are entitled to rule from their personal hells.

The Wire? Yes, The Wire.

What is The Wire?

It’s a metaphor for how we communicate at every level. I wrote about this in late 2018 warning us of where we were in the fight then between the forces of centralization vs. decentralization.

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A lot has happened since I wrote that article, most of which is still very appropos.

In the aftermath of a series of recent events this fall where Elon Musk emerged as the central figure challenging that control system that article roared at me from the depths of my lizard brain.

And I’ve learned to listen to my lizard brain.

Think about what we know today on the eve of the election that we wouldn’t know if Musk hadn’t bought Twitter in the days just prior to the US mid-term elections in 2022? One day he’s threatening to sue Twitter over their valuation in court and three days later he walks in with the kitchen sink.

Did we ever ask why he did this? I had some theories at the time. We know he didn’t buy Twitter on his own. But we also know that the information contained in Twitter’s databases, it’s algorithms, and company assets would be a treasure trove of truth that those who control The Wire wanted to make sure he never got a hold of.

In a post from December 2022 asking whether or not the “counter revolution” has arrived in the US I mused:

They’re giving Elon Musk the “Donald Trump treatment” for having the temerity to believe a free society rests on open communication. Musk’s moves since buying Twitter all point to the real goal of the exercise; buy the database of the Bluechecked Sneetches DMs and release the evidence of government pressure on Twitter to censor perfectly legal speech on every major Davos sanctioned operation against humanity.

We knew they were doing it but now we have something akin to proof that they were doing it. The initial response has been predictable — deny, screech, make fun, downplay and attack Musk and his agents, like Matt Taibbi, personally. But all that does is prove further they are caught red-handed.

Think back to those dark days and the game Musk was playing with them. He eventually just used his Fuck You! Money and accepted their patently ridiculous price. Contracts are a real bitch that way.

$44 billion for Twitter was an absurdity, rivaling only the absurd behavior of of the Tumblrina von Safespaces that “worked” there, 80% of whom were about to finally “learn to code.”

The Rogan-ton Window

But Twitter is only one small part of this story. Because while Twitter is an obviously big strand of The Wire Davos et. al. lost control over, ultimately it’s only one strand. There are so many others to regain control over.

In the lead up to this election we’ve seen the desperate attempts to regain control over that thing we believe exists, The Overton Window, which is just another strand of The Wire.

Take last week’s kerfuffle over Trump going on Joe Rogan’s podcast. First it was, “Will he, won’t he?!” All the betas donning their Rachel Maddow glasses said in lockstep that Der Trumpenfuhrer doesn’t have the guts to sit exposed on Rogan’s podcast for three hours.

Hitler doesn’t do podcasts. When Trump accepts and the world is abuzz, “How dare Joe Rogan humanize Hitler like this!?”

How dare he, indeed.

And after Trump goes on Rogan where they have a perfectly pleasant conversation seen by tens of millions of people, Google, another major strand of The Wire, tries to make it impossible for people to find for a few days.

Read More @ TomLuongo.me