Democrats Make Clear They Will Come for Guns


from Moonbattery:

At this point, it is unlikely that Democrats will win a fair election. Unfortunately, it is not unlikely that they will hold on to power, just as likeminded leftists did in Venezuela with the tacit approval of Kamala Harris. If that is how our history unfolds, a primary order of business will be to disarm the population. This effort is already underway:


“Assault weapon” is a useful term only in that it is sufficiently expansive to allow Democrats to confiscate anything that might be used for self-defense.

They will come for America’s rifle first, if only for symbolic reasons. Via Breitbart:

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have consistently pushed a ban against America’s most popular rifle–the AR-15–throughout the tenure of their administration.

Moreover, Harris, as the Democrat presidential candidate, has continued to push the ban as part of her campaign. Her running mate, Democrat Tim Walz, also supports the gun control.

The pretext is to reduce the crime that Democrats have gone out of their way to increase. However,

The U.S.. had an “assault weapons” ban from 1994 to 2004, and the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) indicated the ban could not be credited with any reduction in crime.

When confiscating ARs fails to produce utopia, “assault weapons” will be redefined as any semiauto and soon as any gun period.

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