from State Of The Nation:


“If ever the devil were to create the perfect entity by which to carry out his nefarious deeds, the PUBLIC CORPORATION is it.”   — State of the Nation

SOTN Editor’s Note: As our readers know, we do not post the weekly reports issued by Benjamin Fulford because so many have been wrong over the years about a variety of crucial subjects.  Especially when specific events were predicted to occur which still have not taken place, Fulford has simply gotten many things wrong.  However, the following report does get a lot right; and it contains much information which is consistent with some of the most important SOTN content such as: MAMMON AND THE MONEYCHANGERS.
TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

There is one extremely outside-the-box piece of the Babylonian Banking Cartel puzzle which must be correctly understood, as it explains how and why the current Satanic Global Power Structure exerts complete command and control over the world community of nations. See:


That exposé was then followed by another one which fleshes out the skeleton of the Khazarian-erected Old World Order that effectively began with the establishment of the world’s first corporations by the Northern Italian Black Nobility during the second half of the 13th century.  As follows:

The whole world is carved up into organized crime
territories run by these top-tier Mafia families.

State of the Nation
October 29, 2024

N.B. Benjamin F. ought to be commended for putting this report together which concerns many of the most critical NWO topics of the day.

The revolution is happening and it is being televised

By Benjamin Fulford
October 28, 2024

We are all witnessing a revolution unfolding in real time on our various screens and in real life. This is no ordinary revolution; it is the fall of ancient Babylon. The human race is being freed after coming within a hair’s breadth of becoming permanently enslaved in a giant animal farm run by a Satan-worshipping Babylonian cult. Their Talmud shows clearly how they see other human beings. It says they can murder, rape, cheat and enslave people who are not members of their tribe because the Goyim are sub-human animals.

What needs to be made very clear though is that these people are not Jewish. Most Jews grew up never even knowing the Talmud existed. Now, thanks to the internet, they do. What Jews are still only now just figuring out though, is they have been Babylonian slaves for millennia. If you read the real Babylonian history, for example, you will find that circumcision was ritual castration used to identify slave races. The ritually castrated real Jews -who follow the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you- were used as a Trojan horse to infiltrate societies. Once the helpful Jews ingratiated themselves, then the Babylonians would slowly take over society by taking over their elites. Over the millennia this has led to an immune reaction by the infiltrated societies. That is why the Babylonians have been booted out over a hundred times from various societies over the years. Because of their Babylonian enslavement, the Jews also repeatedly faced collective punishment. As a result, a sort of Stockholm Syndrome emerged over the years where they clung to their enslavers for protection.

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