ANALYSIS: Trump is going to win BIG, and then the real fireworks begin… America won’t survive as we know it for even ONE YEAR


by Mike Adams, Natural News:

Based on recent events, here’s my best analysis of what happens next (subject to change as new intel emerges, of course):

First off, Trump wins big on Election Day. I’m estimating between 325 – 350 electoral votes. The cheating Dems, of course, know this is going to happen, which is why corrupt officials in swing states have been pre-announcing that they’ll need up to 12 days to “count” additional ballots. They aren’t just counting them, they’re fabricating them. They need 12 days to cheat.


Friday’s Fifth Circuit decision that declared all mail-in ballots must arrive by Election Day puts a damper on the Dems’ cheating plan. Even though the Fifth Circuit technically doesn’t have legal jurisdiction over all 50 states, its decision is a court precedent that can be cited by GOP attorneys in other states and expanded by other local or district courts. It’s also likely this decision will be expedited to the US Supreme Court within the next 2-3 weeks, and there, it also seems like the Supreme Court will concur with the Fifth Circuit’s decision. This would render the Dems’ swing state cheating effort null and void, for the most part. Yes, they will still cheat in other ways, but without the post-election “mail-in ballot” cheating mechanism, the Trump margin of victory becomes too big to rig.

Once Trump is the clear winner, anti-American forces will unleash violence and chaos

Once Trump wins the election, all hell breaks loose across America. This is when the radical Left activates every asset they control to cause mass chaos and violence across America. This would include activating the millions of military-aged males that have illegally crossed the border in order to occupy the nation in preparation for sabotage operations.

Their goal is to make America ungovernable, and for 2 1/2 months, they will have the Biden / Harris regime in charge to help accelerate the violence by turning every federal agency against the American people: FEMI, FBI, DOJ, ATF, etc.

There’s also a very real chance of the USA and NATO initiating a nuclear exchange with Russia to try to get Russia to achieve a nuclear strike on America before Trump can take office. Even worse, there’s a strong possibility of a nuclear false flag detonation on U.S. soil, carried out by the deep state, intended to kill Trump before January 20th.


On January 6th, the Democrats will carry out a real insurrection against America

Assuming we make it to January 6th, Kamala Harris is constitutionally required to submit the states’ electoral votes to the US Congress for final acceptance of the election results. It is on this day that outright traitors like Rep Raskin have promised to refuse to certify the votes, citing paragraph 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment which was written after the Civil War to prevent southern war generals from holding high public office. The desperate Democrats will claim this disqualifies Trump, even though Trump led no armies against America, did not call for any insurrection, and actually, as we now know, had strongly requested National Guard troops to be deployed to the capital grounds on January 6, 2021, to prevent any violence.

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