Bombshell Report Reveals ‘Quiet Amnesty’ – Clandestine Biden-Harris Operation Secretly Allows Nearly 1 Million Illegal Immigrants to Stay in U.S Indefinitely


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A new congressional report has exposed the Biden-Harris administration’s use of immigration courts to implement a de-facto amnesty, allowing nearly 1 million illegal aliens to remain in the U.S.

By yourNEWS Media Newsroom

A report released by the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday reveals a covert operation, referred to as ‘quiet amnesty,’ by the Biden-Harris administration, allowing nearly 1 million illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. indefinitely. The report highlights how the administration uses immigration courts to advance its open-borders agenda, exploiting court backlogs to dismiss, close, or terminate cases against illegal aliens without sufficient judicial proceedings.


This report calls the practice a “Cloward-Piven-style strategy,” utilizing the immigration court’s backlog to justify allowing more illegal aliens to remain in the country. According to the report, under the current administration, immigration judges have been instructed to dismiss cases without fully adjudicating claims, further burdening the nation’s immigration system.

2024-10-24 Quiet Amnesty – … by yourNEWS Media

“The Biden-Harris administration has used the immigration court backlog as an excuse to allow even more illegal aliens to remain in the country,” the report states. “Instead of adjudicating cases based on merit, immigration judges are rubberstamping dismissals and case closures, allowing illegal aliens to remain without consequence.” The report documents this ongoing strategy as part of a broader agenda tied to the United Nations’ Replacement Migration program.

Since taking office, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have overseen a skyrocketing backlog of immigration cases. The report reveals that more than 3.7 million new cases were filed in the immigration courts from fiscal year 2021 through the first three quarters of fiscal 2024. According to the report, only 14% of asylum cases adjudicated in 2023 resulted in a successful grant, with the majority of cases being dismissed, terminated, or closed.

“This oversight has revealed how the Biden-Harris administration has used administrative maneuvering in immigration court proceedings to allow nearly 1 million illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. indefinitely,” the report states.

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