DIDDYGATE! The “October Surprise” You Will Never Hear Much About Unless……


from State Of The Nation:

…The Hidden Perps Decide To Blow
It Wide Open To Further Engineer The Predetermined 2024 POTUS Election Outcome.

SOTN Editor’s Note: If you thought Pizzagate and Pedogate, Epsteingate and Maxwellgate were BIG, you ain’t seen nothing yet. And, you may not see anything for the rest of this campaign season if the reptilian perps at the top of the planetary food chain don’t feel they need to show it to the American body politic before November 5th.

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SOTN was one of two Alt Media platforms that jumped on and quite deliberately exploded the very real Pizzagate/Pedogate scandal on the very first day it appeared on the Internet in early October of 2016.  All the intel was clear that that particular October Surprise was fastidiously designed to seal Clinton’s fate as a FRAZZLEDRIP-caused loser, which it did. The following video and photos are just one reason why Clinton was fated to lose to Trump: WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO: Extensive Research of Deep State Cabal Including GRAPHIC Screenshot of Hillary Clinton Victim from “Frazzled-rip” Video (This is the video the NYPD officers saw who were then systematically killed)

What’s the critical point?

The Clintonistas were genuinely surprised when they were told that they lost 2016 as evidenced by all of their stunned public reactions.  After all, the Democrat Election Crime Syndicate knew that they had taken every measure to successfully steal that election. (See: Italian Lawyer Alfio D’Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D’Elia’s Involvement In US Election Hacking For Democrats)

Likewise, Team Trump was truly shocked that Donald was declared the winner as clearly seen in their first victory get-together on that stage.  Which means that the real “decision-maker” at the very apex of the global power structure kept the planned victor from just about everyone, even throughout all of Deep State and the U.S. Intelligence Community out of concern for a premature disclosure.

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