Like Venomous Reptiles, They Warn Us


by Ambrose Kane, The Unz Review:

Some of the most amazingly colored reptiles and snakes have the most intriguing shapes and complex patterns on their skin that truly sets them apart from other reptiles. But such eye-popping colors and bright patterns serve a purpose – namely, to keep predators away from them. They are warnings to not attack or eat them. Failure to do so will result in a quick and painful death, and many animals know this instinctively and thus avoid them.

There is a parallel to this in the human-social realm. It can be seen in the modern western woman, primarily among young and middle-aged American women. This is the kind of woman (of which there are plenty!) who is excessively tatted and pierced, who covers her arms, shoulders, chest area, neck, and hands with a seemingly endless number of tattoos. Many of them will even tattoo their face and foreheads. Few of them are embarrassed by it all.


But that’s only the beginning of their self-disfigurement. They will color their hair in the brightest and most god-awful neon colors. Piercings through the nose, lips, and out of almost every orifice are displayed for all to admire or become repelled by.

These kinds of women are not only proverbial “attention whores,” but there is something deeply obscene and disturbing about them. Whether it stems from self-hate or ‘daddy issues’ as some have claimed, it’s a clear sign that something is psychologically wrong and problematic about them. Like brightly colored venomous reptiles, something is not right about these women and the visual mess they present should likewise serve as a warning to us – especially to young males who might be romantically or sexually attracted to them.

I doubt any of these women possess even an ounce of self-awareness. Granted, they may understand the physical transition that occurred from being normal in appearance to morphing into a complete visual freakshow. But I doubt they understand the long-term effects of it all, including the disturbing reality of what it says about them. None of this is the mark of sane and rational people.

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For a woman to present herself in public in this manner reveals not only a troubled soul, but someone who has been profoundly influenced by today’s cult of the ugly which mocks and tears down the customary standards of beauty that most people accept. Most heterosexual men want females to look soft, pretty, and feminine. They want them to be the opposite of what they themselves are. They don’t normally want their women to look ‘hard’ or akin to something right out of a prison gang movie.

Although the presence of tattoos, even in excessive number, may not be conclusive proof that one is suffering from mental illness, they do serve as potential markers of poor health, risky behavior, short sightedness and impulsiveness. In 2019, PsycheCentral published briefly the summary findings of the International Journal of Dermatology which concluded that “People with tattoos more likely to also have mental health issues” (1/27/2019). I think it’s safe to say that the more tattoos one has, the more disturbed and attention-seeking they probably are.

The cult of the ugly is also evident in much of the modern art we see, including the socio-political views that many of these same women hold which is often incoherent and emotionally based. In almost every case, these are women who are politically and socially liberal or radical Leftists. It’s a reflection, it seems to me, of both extreme nihilism and narcissism combined. They degrade or distort their physical appearance by means of darkly themed piercings and meaningless tattoos (nihilism) all while making public spectacles of themselves by how they attire and present themselves to the world. Much of it is just for shock value (narcissism).

Yet, it’s customary and natural for a woman to want to look her best in public, or at least to present herself in a way that exudes femininity and beauty. This is how all normal women throughout human history have believed and conducted themselves (or, at least tried to) regardless of what period they lived during. In contrast, women duped by today’s cult of the ugly strive to make themselves totally unattractive to men, many of them shaving the hair off their heads and de-feminizing their entire appearance.

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