Scottish Government Proclaims There Are 24 Genders


from Moonbattery:

Under the leftist Scottish National Party, Scotland is the most heavily taxed part of the overtaxed UK. But it’s not as if citizens get nothing for their money. For example, they get to be told there are 24 genders.

The two genders pertaining to reality have been deprecated:

The options did include male and female, but caveated them with “assigned male at birth – refers to a person who was assigned the sex of male at birth”.


It used to be that boys were assigned male at conception. But then it was determined that children don’t exist until they are born. Also, chromosomes were canceled.

As part of the campaign to eradicate the male/female binary, all manner of transsexualism is promoted:

Trans people can choose from selections including “trans man,” “trans woman,” “genderfluid,” and “androgynous.” Among the other terms used are “questioning” where the person does not yet know what gender they are and “autigender” which is described as “an autistic person (who) thinks about and relates to their gender label … in the context of autism.”

Inventing new genders gives bureaucrats something to do with their time as their country disintegrates.

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