The Immigrant Crime Spree is Real, Not Imaginary, Thank Harris and Biden


by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Four years of open borders and sanctuary policies have brought criminal drug networks, human trafficking, and an epidemic of sexual assault.

No, You’re Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree

City Journal writer Steven Malanga busts the myth that immigrants are less likely to commit a crime.


Please consider his report No, You’re Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree

The arrest of an illegal immigrant for the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley a few weeks before President Joe Biden’s 2024 State of the Union address ignited a political firestorm. “Laken’s death is the direct result of policies on the federal level and an unwillingness by this White House to secure the southern border,” Georgia’s Republican governor Brian Kemp charged, after reports emerged that the border patrol had grabbed Venezuelan Jose Ibarra back in 2022, but that he was quickly paroled and released into the United States. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, reacting to the controversy, warned of an illegal-alien crime wave; at the State of the Union itself, Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene interrupted Biden, calling out for the president to “say her name”—a reference to Riley. When Biden did mention her name, he acknowledged that she died at the hands of an illegal migrant; further controversy ensued when he later apologized for using the term “illegal,” and not the politically correct “undocumented.”

The elite press rode to Biden’s defense. The idea of a migrant crime wave was a myth, media outlets proclaimed, noting studies of Texas incarceration data from years ago, which seemed to suggest that illegals commit crimes at low rates. This ignored other surveys, based on federal multistate data, which show a far more troubling reality. ….

The crisis is captured in the numbers: the caseload of immigration-removal operations has soared from about 3 million in 2019 to 6 million under Biden in 2023, while staffing has stayed flat.

Against this backdrop, numerous high-profile crimes—including the murder of Riley, an assault by several immigrants in Times Square on NYPD officers, and police cautions about foreign home-invasion gangs hitting wealthy neighborhoods—have intensified the debate over just how much crime the Biden immigrant surges have unleashed. Much of the mainstream media and immigration advocates, for their part, accuse conservatives of making it all up. Headlines like “The Myth of the Migrant Crime Wave,” “Migrant Crime Wave Not Supported by Data,” and “Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes” have been common, especially after Trump made immigrant crime a 2024 campaign issue.

Most of these stories rely on studies like one from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2020, which used data from 2012 through 2018 collected by Texas’s Department of Public Safety. That study estimated that illegals commit crimes only two-thirds as often as legal state residents. Critics note that the report is limited, focusing on only one state—by necessity, since few local jurisdictions have released data on immigrant prisoners (in so-called sanctuary states and cities, intentionally so).

Entering America illegally, Chinese gangs have cornered the black market for pot in Oklahoma. Though pot legalization was supposed to ease drug-related crime, the spread of legal recreational cannabis and so-called medicinal marijuana has produced a new kind of black market, in which criminal gangs cultivate the drug and then sell it more cheaply than government-approved retailers

In congressional testimony, National Retail Federation officials detailed how crews of Eastern European illegals have launched roughly 170 shoplifting rackets nationwide.

The suspect in the murder of Maryland mother Rachel Morin, for instance, is a Salvadorean street-gang member. He fled to the U.S. after killing a woman in El Salvador, then attacked a mother and her nine-year-old daughter in Los Angeles, before traveling cross-country to end Morin’s life, say police. She was the second woman in Maryland allegedly murdered within a year by illegals linked with Salvadorean street gangs.

Venezuelan newcomers are also propelling a recent crime wave in New York City, in which thieves on scooters snatch valuables and zoom off. The scheme’s instigator, which involved at least 14 individuals living in migrant shelters, was a Venezuelan, a 2023 New York arrival.

Surveys show that a majority of Americans back illegal-immigration policy solutions that the media often describe as part of an extreme MAGA agenda. Even as the press decried Trump’s deportation promises, a spring poll found that six in ten voters endorsed a “new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants.” A third of Democrats backed the idea. A crucial starting point would be to remove thousands of known illegal felons, and to end many local authorities’ practice of releasing criminal illegals back into society. This is the least that America should do to protect its citizens, as well as those foreigners here legally.

There is much more information and links in the article. I encourage everyone to read the full thing.

Criminal Migrants Run Free in My District

Tony Gonzales Texas’ 23rd Congressional District, with Phil Gramm contributions, says Criminal Migrants Run Free in My District

My constituents live with immigration’s effects every day. Texas’ 23rd Congressional District, which encompasses several hundred miles of the southern border, is the largest border district in the nation. The approximately 11 million migrant “encounters” our country has endured since fiscal 2021 has spread violence and inflicted economic distress. Frequent high-speed chases between drug runners or human smugglers and law-enforcement agents endanger our residents.

On March 13, I sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security requesting the number of illegal immigrants on Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s docket who had been convicted or charged with a crime.

On Sept. 25, the department replied: “As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket, which includes those detained by ICE, and on the agency’s non-detained docket.” This includes 435,719 “convicted criminals” and 226,847 with “pending criminal charges.” Of the 662,566 illegal immigrants with criminal records, approximately 647,000 weren’t detained. This number doesn’t include those who evaded ICE’s eye.

Apologists for the Biden-Harris administration claim that illegal aliens with criminal histories are only a fraction of the nation’s population. That’s sophistic: These criminals are a significant portion of the millions of people who have illegally entered the country in recent years. How can anybody claim they don’t pose a threat? According to ICE’s 2023 annual report, between fiscal 2018 and 2020, the agency removed approximately 400,000 noncitizens, compared with roughly 135,000 between 2021 and 2023, a 66% drop.

Our communities were noticeably safer thanks to such enforcement during Donald Trump’s tenure. That ended when the Biden-Harris administration almost immediately tied the hands of Customs and Border Protection agents by dismantling border-security policies and refusing to enforce immigration laws. People with ties to terrorist groups, transnational criminal organizations and other nefarious outfits have since entered our country unchecked.

Trump’s Pledge

“As soon as I take the oath of office, I will terminate every open border policy of the Biden administration and begin the largest deportation operation in American history.”

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