Pfizer’s ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ — and Legacy Media’s Failure to Report on Them


by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

In an interview with The Defender, Naomi Wolf, journalist and CEO of Daily Clout, detailed the serious vaccine-related injuries that Pfizer and the FDA knew of by early 2021, but tried to hide from the public.

Pfizer knew about the inadequacies of its COVID-19 vaccine trials and the vaccine’s many serious adverse effects, and so did the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But the FDA promoted the vaccines anyway — and later tried to hide the data from the public, according to Naomi Wolf, editor of “The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity.”


In an interview with The Defender, Wolf detailed the serious vaccine-related injuries that Pfizer and the FDA knew of by early 2021, based on the data from Pfizer’s clinical trials and post-marketing studies.

To produce “The Pfizer Papers,” Wolf, a journalist and CEO of Daily Clout, and Daily Clout Chief Operations Officer Amy Kelly convened thousands of volunteer scientists and doctors to analyze Pfizer data and supplementary data from other public reporting systems to capture the full scope of the vaccines’ effects. They

Wolf and Kelly obtained the data from the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, a group of more than 30 medical professionals and scientists who sued the FDA in 2021 to force the agency to release the data, after the FDA refused to comply with a Freedom of Information Act request.

A federal court in 2022 ordered the agency to release 450,000 internal documents pertaining to the licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

No journalist could take on the ‘Pfizer Papers’ alone

Wolf worked for decades as a journalist in liberal legacy media. In 2020, as she watched the rights to free assembly and other liberties suspended under the guise of emergency declarations, she became a vocal critic of the constitutional violations imposed on Americans, she told The Defender.

Wolf was equally critical of the COVID-19 vaccines and alarmed by the widespread use of incentives to get people to take the emergency use authorized shots. “I’m not a medical doctor, I’m not a scientist,” she said. “I was an English major and even I know how dangerous that is. It’s madness.”

In June 2021, Wolf tweeted her concern that there were widespread reports women were suffering menstrual dysregulation after taking the shots. She called for more investigation.

“Immediately the next day, I was deplatformed from every social media platform,” she said. “And simultaneous hit pieces that were nearly identical were launched in pretty much every major news outlet” — including outlets for which she had been a columnist.

“All over the world and in every language I was turned into an anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist overnight,” she said.

Wolf was exiled from legacy media, but new doors opened. “Steve Bannon invited me on ‘The War Room’ and gave me a platform,” she said. There, she discussed the challenge of sifting through the Pfizer documents released by the FDA.

The data release was monumental and the documents were highly technical and scientific. “No journalist could have the bandwidth to go through them all,” Wolf said.

Bannon suggested she organize a volunteer team of scientists to take up the charge. Wolf put out a call and 3,250 highly credentialed scientists responded. Kelly organized them into working groups that have systematically issued key reports about what Wolf said, “turns out to be the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history.”

“The Pfizer documents are a stunning revelation of corporate greed and dishonesty, with utter disregard for the law, and Americans’ actual health,” Bannon wrote in his introduction to the book.

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