Honestly, fools, why would anyone not vote for Kamala…..


from State Of The Nation:

…when she’s all in for this awesomeness:

• Cutting off the penises of young boys so they can’t make babies when they’re older, and can’t grow one back no matter how many penis enlargement surgeries they do.

• Slicing off  the breasts of young girls so they can’t breast feed the babies they can’t make because they had their ovaries and uteruses taken out.  And future implants won’t help with breast-feeding either.

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• Encouraging school districts to enforce policies that encourage administrators, teachers and counselors alike to facilitate the trangendering of young school children, and even pushing this process WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS’ KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT.

• Promoting Gender Dysphoria diagnoses like there’s no tomorrow so that the kids can be quickly put on puberty blockers and other powerful mind and mind-altering pharmaceutical drugs with extremely detrimental side effects. 

• Putting tampon machines in the boys’ bathrooms and locker rooms so they can deal with their drug-induced menstruation.  Great for their self esteem, too, as well as for the normal boys dwell upon (What does that look like?).

• Installing urinals in the girls’ bathrooms so they can practice not sitting down on the toilet to pee.  They can also practice unzipping their zippers on their men’s trousers.  

• Putting hard and soft porn books in the elementary, middle and high school libraries with many graphic pictures and how-to illustrations.

• Starting sex ed in kindergarten where kids are now shown how to masturbate, fondle, as well as copulate when they’re just a little bit older.

• Allowing a 6’4″ hulk, who still has a schlong, to use the girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, showers and all.  

• Permitting the same mentally ill monsters to play any women’s sport they want to as long as they don’t kill any of the poor petite little girls (that’s manslaughter).

• Legalizing the murdering of newborn babies by the mother and her doctor right up to the moment of birth.  That’s called state-sponsored infanticide.

• Letting aborted newborns simply die on the operating table when they are born alive.  No medical support, no pain palliative, no nothing before the dead baby is thrown into biological waste trash can. 

• Passively supporting the buying and selling of fetal body parts from aborted babies to include their organs, tissues, fluids and stem cells. 

• Advocating aggressively for DEI and ESG policies everywhere and anywhere, even in the US military fighting units where rapes and sexual abuse are at an all-time high.

• Supporting the usage of taxpayer monies for the sex change operations of any service member who so desires, along with the expensive drug regimens that are required to finish the so-called transgendering process.

• Pushing for the legalization of recreational marijuana in every state even after states like Oregon and Colorado have shown it to be an unmitigated disaster.

• Keeping the borders wide open so that waves of invasions of illegal aliens can unlawfully come in as they steal billions upon billions taxpayer dollars since they are criminals who have violated US Immigration Laws.   Of cource, many of the alien criminal gangs are stealing from US citizens 24/7 in all 50 states.

• Encouraging DHS Director Mayorkas to continue his proven treason against the Republic even after his impeachment for high crimes and violation of his oath of office.

• Approving the hundreds of billions of dollars of aid given to the warmongering and unelected Ukraine president who is hellbent on genociding every last Christian Slavic Ukrainian male.

• Approving the billions in military and financial aid given to the psychopathic mass murderer and indicted Netanyahu as well as supporting both the Gaza Genocide and Palestinian Holocaust.  Ditto that for the recent Lebanese Holocaust.  

• Abandoning all of the hurricane victims and even campaigning during their tremendous hardships and challenges in those 5 RED states.

• Hard selling the extremely dangerous and weaponized Covid clotshots, cancershots and killshots, even for the administration of those lethal jabs for babies 6 months and older.  Whether the intention was full-scale genocide or just an Extinction Level Event remains to be seen.

• Cackling and laughing, smiling and smirking no matter how much bad news the American people have had to suffer through under the tyrannical Biden-Harris regime.

• Lying and more lying and then lying about the lying regarding the skyrocketing inflation that’s pushing folks everywhere into personal and/or business bankruptcy.

• Choosing a VP running mate who not allowed BLM rioters and AntiFa terrorists to burn down sections of the state capital—Minneapolis-St. Paul—but his wife said she deliberately kept the windows of her home open so she could smell the smoke.   

• Selecting a VPOTUS who is clearly a criminal pedophile in light of the bombshell testimony provided by two victimized high schoolers who have recently gone public.  Harris has even expressed a very strong sympathy towards pedophilia going so far as to suggest it should not be classified a crime.

Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co