Gold, Kamala, Trump, Control, Cash, Murder & Water – Catherine Austin Fitts


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), gives her take on gold, Kamala, Trump, control, cash, murder and water.  On gold’s rocket rise, CAF says, “Gold is very important.  We divide gold into two positions:  Your ‘core’ position and your ‘investment’ position. . . . Right now, gold looks phenomenally attractive as a core position.  It is also attractive as an investment position.”

Why the big move up now?  CAF says, “Part of it is the incredible monetary policies and the monetary inflation coming from the central banks.  The other is too many people are watching government implode in a variety of different ways, and people are saying I want a core position in gold.  We are also seeing the BRICs . . . and seeing states in the US move to put gold and silver in a position to be used as a currency.  So, we are watching people put monetary reserves in gold and monetary liquidity in gold.  That is happening steadily, and more and more people are saying they need a percentage of their assets in gold. . . . We are in a long-term bull market in gold.”


On Kamala Harris, the operative word is “meltdown.”  CAF says, “Kamala is in, what we call in a campaign, a ‘meltdown.’  If you look at the current meltdown, I am baffled because why would somebody with her characteristics be made the nominee?  You are talking about major donors putting major money behind her.  Why would they spend that much money if there were serious holes in her vetting and she is inclined to melt down this way?  It’s kind of baffling.”

On Trump, what is the first thing he should do if re-elected?  CAF says, “He should stop the poisoning of the American people.  This is one of the reasons we did this issue on water.  The American people are being poisoned. . . . I travel a lot by car.  I see deterioration in the air, in the water, in the food–they are being poisoned.  And, of course, the big one is the CV19 vaccines.  Vaccines are poisoning Americans.  There was just a big ruling against putting fluoride poison being added to municipal water supplies.  One of the things you can do is to march down to your city or county and tell them to stop wasting money on putting poison in your water.  If you reverse that, it is one important action you can take.”

The Deep State and central bankers want total control of your money and your life.  Fitts says this is why she started pushing the use of cash instead of digital transactions.  She calls it “Make Cash Great Again.” . . . If we don’t fix the finances from an actuarial standpoint, they are going to continue to delay benefits or lower life expectancy, and that is what they are doing.  They are balancing the books by lowering life expectancy.”

One way to lower life expectancy is to inject people with a so-called vaccine that is really a bioweapon that murders and disables people.  That is exactly what happened with the CV19 vax, and the deaths or murders are still piling up.  CAF says, “You can cut back on the fraudulent rackets, or you can cut back on the people.”  They are cutting back on the people by any measure.

There is much more in the 54-minute interview.

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