GENOCIDAL SUPER VACCINATION AGENDA EXPOSED: Texas Supreme Court Miraculously Halts Unjust Execution Of Innocent Man Falsely Accused Of Murder….


from State Of The Nation:

…By Way Of The Utterly Fake Shaken
Baby Syndrome Diagnosis Concocted
By The Big Govt-Big Pharma-Big
Medical Complex To Cover Up Their
Multi-Decade Mass Murder Of
American Babies.
First, everyone needs to read this extremely important exposé written by a “Midwestern Physician”:


Secondly, everyone needs to understand that both the Health Freedom Movement and National Anti-Vaccination Movement have just been given the greatest gift from the Highest Power.

For the only way that the wrongfully Robert Roberson just avoided his state-sponsored murder by the Texas Criminal Injustice System was nothing short of a truly awesome miracle.
Texas Supreme Court halts execution of man in shaken
baby case after lawmakers’ last-minute appeal

In point of fact, Robert had exhausted every single remedy available to him to acquire a just stay of execution.  There was simply nothing left for him to do in order to avoid his deliberate assassination by the murderous Big Govt-Big Pharma-Big Medical Complex, which was determined to use him as a glaring example (and future legal precedent) for their institutionally weaponized vaccine crime waves, except via a very wily and unparalleled intervention by the Texas legislature (that was the miracle, btw).

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