The Bret Baier and Kamala interview was an interesting October surprise


by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

Vindictiveness and hate were not the reasons my smile turned into overt joy as I watched the Baier-Harris interview unfold. My love for God and country was rewarded by seeing Kamala broadcast to the world just how radically dark and sinister her heart really is. She meant this to be an all-out Trump bashing session, but she had no glue to make her lying trash stick to the Fox media wall. Once again, what she meant for evil turned out for much good. Her every response drilled a gaping hole in the hull of her already listing ship.


Legacy media polls belie the fact that Donald Trump will win this election by a true avalanche, despite the blind and selfish faction of Americans who still wallow in the joy of sewer living. Seasoned, Trump-hating, Fox newscaster Bret Baier did nail the coffin lid for Obama’s next almost-puppet. In classic Kamala style, “the Cackle” didn’t answer a single question posed to her about how she plans to turn the page on a Biden-Obama America. Did you notice? Not a single chuckle. Not a hint of joy. And not a word of truth. Kamala tried her best to feed Baier a pail of smelly disinformation.

But Bret Baier didn’t swallow an ounce of it! Surprisingly, he acted like an honest and fair news anchor. But let’s be fair. Kamala did answer every tough question Baier threw at her. How do you explain the border invasion and resulting carnage? “Trump!” Why has the economy tanked? “Trump!” How do you explain the violence, the corruption, and the imminent collapse of America? “Trump!” And how do you plan to fix it all? “Not Trump!”

Some deep-thinking historians try to convince us Kamala is super intelligent, crafty, and politically savvy. I ask, what evidence? Joe Biden is compromised with a progressive Parkinsonian dementia. But Kamala’s disarticulation and skewed thinking seriously suggests a psychiatric deficiency. Is it drug-induced? Or is she merely a product of her convoluted, privileged past? Regardless, she lacks every desirable trait to lead a nation. She is ignorant of facts. She is devoid of all insight, wisdom, and common sense. She utters mawkish sugar with a forked tongue, but always says nothing. Her rotten word salads have no dressing, no garnishing.

Here is the full unedited version of the interview:

The Baier-Harris interview was a gift to freedom-loving Americans. Millions of people watching this Harris hypocrisy show will now resolve to vote rightly to save America. That means voting for the better person for the job, Donald Trump. Imperfect but sincere and ever determined to save the American Republic, President Trump will trample the Deep State this go-around. He has learned much, and he keeps his promises. Every American citizen has much to gain from a Trump presidency. The only losers in a Trump win are our enemies, foreign and domestic. Let freedom reign!

We are seeing that this new unconditional warfare can be defeated. Now is our time to abolish our tyrannical government that feeds the enemy rather than suffering Americans. The evidence now favors a victory for a nation still under God. Millions of good patriots stand ready to do what we must to defend our liberty. We seek not only a fair election but also a restoration of law and order. We welcome Operation Aurora to banish all foreign criminals from our land. We invite a new balance of powers by disarming the Justice Department and holding accountable the executive and legislative branches of government. And we crave a renewed Constitution-based rule of our land, without impartiality or compromise of our Bible standard.

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