A Day Of Reckoning Is Here: The Timing And The Targets For Israel’s Attack On Iran Have Been Selected


by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Can you imagine what a full-blown war between Israel and Iran would look like?  We are literally on the verge of an apocalyptic war in the Middle East, but it isn’t getting much attention in the western world because everyone is so focused on the upcoming U.S. presidential election.  I completely understand why people are so focused on this election, but what is about to happen in the Middle East has the potential to change the course of history.  Once Israel attacks Iran, nothing will ever be the same again.  Iran has already promised to hit Israel back extremely hard, and that would compel Israel to attack Iran again.  Once these two heavyweights start pummeling one another, it may be virtually impossible for anyone to stop the fight until it is decisively concluded.

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According to CNN, U.S. officials are saying that they expect Israel to attack Iran before the U.S. presidential election on November 5th…

American officials expect Israel will retaliate against Iran for its attack earlier this month before November 5, sources tell CNN, a timeline that would thrust the growing volatility in the Middle East squarely into public view within days of the American presidential election.

The timeline and parameters of Israel’s retaliation against Iran have been subject to intense debate inside Israel’s government and are not directly related to the timing of the US election, the sources said.

Still, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — described by senior US administration officials as a political animal deeply attuned to American politics — appears highly sensitive to any potential political ramifications of Israel’s actions in the US, they said.

If this report is accurate, that means that the attack on Iran will almost certainly occur before the end of October.

CNN is also reporting that Israel’s military plan for a strike on Iran “is ready”…

Israel’s plan to respond to Iran’s October 1 attack is ready, a source familiar with the matter told CNN, without providing further information.

CNN has reached out to the Israeli ministry of defense for comment.

If the plan “is ready”, that would seem to infer that the specific targets have already been selected.

And that lines up perfectly with a report that was just put out by the Times of Israel

According to Channel 12 news, the military presented a list of targets to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Gallant as it finalizes preparations, which include “sensitive coordination” with other countries in the region.

A report by the Kan public broadcaster said “the political echelon” had decided on the targets, without specifying which officials or decision-making forum.

“The targets are clear. Now it’s a matter of time,” an Israeli source told the broadcaster.

That sounds pretty definitive.

It is clear that an attack is coming.

The only question now is what day it will happen.

Will the Israeli government wait until after the Feast of Tabernacles to launch the strike?

If so, it would appear that the last week of October would be the most likely window of time for the attack.

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