The Collapsing U.S. Empire


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

The neoconservative dream, ever since neoconservatism started on 25 July 1945, has been for the U.S. Government to take over the entire world, but this 79-year-old dream for them (nightmare for everyone else) has now practically ended, because after having played nuclear chicken against Russia ever since that date, the U.S. Government has finally — as-of 9 October 2024 (Biden’s cancellation then of his planned October 12th Ukraine-war victory summit at America’s Rammstein Air Force Base in Germany) — come to the painful realization that their plan (ever since at least 2006) to win a nuclear war against Russia, is unrealistic, and would only leave this planet virtually uninhabitable, a lose-lose war for both sides, instead of to produce the neocons’ ardently hoped-for win-lose war (in which, of course — as the neocons have imagined — the U.S. regime emerges victorious) against Russia.


The historic turning-point that started the climb-down from 25 July 1945 occurred on 9 October 2024, by means of an event that was buried in the news (almost as deeply hidden as 25 July 1945 had been), even in the few places where it was reported at all, when Reuters headlined (skillfully playing-down and hiding its shatteringly historic importance) “Zelenskiy awaits new summit date after Biden postpones Germany trip”. Although only few people would read a news-report about postponement of Biden’s “Germany trip,” this was actually a news-report about what was expected to have been the ultimate U.S.-and-allied meeting to coordinate the American empire’s coming conquest of Russia by means of intensifying their military support for Ukraine’s government against Russia.

The group meeting there is called the “Ukraine Defense Contact Group”, and Wikipedia says of it, that “The Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG, also known as the Ramstein group[1][2]) is an alliance of 57 countries (all 32 member states of NATO and 25 other countries) and the European Union supporting the defence of Ukraine by sending military equipment in response to the 2022 Russian invasion.[3]

The announcement of this planned victory summit had come from the White House, the “SEPTEMBER 26, 2024” “Readout of President Biden’s Meeting with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine”, which said:

President Biden outlined his decision to surge U.S. security assistance to Ukraine, and President Zelenskyy presented his plan to achieve victory over Russia. … President Biden will host a leader-level meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in Germany, where the two leaders will review progress on these consultations and coordinate with international partners on additional assistance for Ukraine. President Biden is determined to provide Ukraine with the support it needs to win.

Then, the following day, Ukraine’s Pravda headlined “Biden announces date of leader-level Ramstein-format meeting”, and quoted from that White House readout.

Then, on October 5th, the German Government’s Deutsche Welle network headlined “Ukraine’s Zelenskyy to present ‘victory plan’ in Ramstein”, and reported:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Saturday that he would present his country’s “victory plan” at a regular meeting of Kyiv’s supporters in Ramstein, Germany, on October 12.

The plan, whose details have not yet been made public, has already been shown to US President Joe Biden and both presidential candidates running for the White House in the November elections.

The meeting at the US air base in Ramstein, near Frankfurt, is expected to be attended by more than 50 of Ukraine’s allies, including Biden.

And now that the meeting has been indefinitely postponed (by Biden), his ‘allies’ (the stooges who lead America’s colonies) won’t even have the opportunity to consider Zelenskiy’s “victory plan” until — until- Russia will have already defeated Ukraine. As I headlined on October 12th, “Ukraine Appears Now to Have Lost Its War With Russia”.

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