CRAZY TECH WORLD: Hacked Robot Vacuum Goes Around the House Shouting Expletives and Racial Slurs


by Paul Serran, The Gateway Pundit:

In our technological world, it seems that every scientific advance to facilitate our lives comes attached to inherent dangers to our privacy and even our safety.

This also applies to house appliances that now are integrated to the so-called ‘internet of things’.

It recently arose that robot vacuum cleaners made by Ecovacs have been reported roaming around the home of its owners, shouting expletives at them through the onboard speakers.


This happen because the company’s software was revealed to be highly vulnerable to intrusion.

Recent reports show that there were multiple episodes across the US in which owners of Ecovacs vacuums were surprised by their devices acting unusually.

Gizmodo reported:

“’It sounded like a broken-up radio signal or something’, Daniel Swenson told the outlet. ‘You could hear snippets of maybe a voice’. He opened the vacuum’s app to find a stranger was accessing its live camera feed and remote control feature, but assumed it might be an error. After resetting the password and rebooting the robot, the vacuum quickly started moving again:

This time, there was no ambiguity about what was coming out of the speaker. A voice was yelling racist obscenities, loud and clear, right in front of Mr. Swenson’s son. ‘F*** n*****s’, screamed the voice, over and over again.”

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