“CIA DRUGS R US” — A Film Review


by Janet Phelan, Activist Post:

What do wild sex and drug parties in Laurel Canyon, John Lennon’s assassination and the SDS splinter group, the Weathermen, have in common?

According to John Potash, the answer is “Plenty!” As revealed by filmmaker Potash in his new film, CIA DRUGS R US–A Drugs as Weapons…Sequel, these three historical occurrences are all infested with CIA drug money and intentionality.

John Potash’s film is based on the thesis that the CIA has been deploying street drugs, including acid and heroin, as weapons in order to diminish the effectiveness of those who are in the public eye and have the capacity to garner protest against the direction that the country is taking. The film casts a wide net, involving not only the drug use and subsequent assassinations of a number of politicos and musicians and the intelligence associations of the alleged assassins, but also revealing connections with MK ULTRA and related programs. The film accuses the Agency as being implicated in the takedown of the SDS, fun games with the Manson Family and other sixties icons in the Laurel Canyon crowd.

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Tubi describes the film as “A cheeky look into the spook agency’s use of drugs in the murderous targeting of activist celebs like John Lennon, Kurt Cobain and Tupac Shakur.” The film, however, does not stop with celebrity assassinations and suggests that a larger agenda is at play which ultimately affects everyday people.

The film takes on the political movements of the sixties and seventies, and specifically focuses on the use of drugs like LSD to destabilize the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society). The film does not hesitate to name names, drawing connections between possible infiltrators and their connections with intelligence, such as SDS notable Bill Ayers.

The film also looks closely at potential “honeypots,” Yoko Ono and Courtney Love, in terms of their relationships with the murdered John Lennon and Kurt Cobain, providing indications of intelligence connections maintained by the ladies.

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