Interest On US Debt Passes $1 Trillion… Nobody Gives A Damn…


by Dennis Miller, Miller on the Money:

Zerohedge blares, Endgame: Interest On US Debt Surpasses $1 Trillion For First Time Ever:

“In a year when the monthly budget deficit was meandering along in the merry Chernobyl way,…someone in the Biden admin had the brilliant idea to spend a metric ass ton of money to reboot the economy so we don’t get a recession just in time for the elections. …. Government spending went into absolutely epic overdrive, as outlays hit a mind blowing $686 billion, the highest since March 2023.”


Chart: Federal Government Spending 102024

“.… the cumulative total for Fiscal 2024…just hit an all-time high of $1.049 trillion.

…. But wait, there’s more: the latest numbers confirm that we are well on our way to hitting our other forecast…of the US hitting an insane $1.6 trillion in interest expense by the year-end.

…. In other words, game over.”

Birch Gold tells us:

“The Senate unanimously approved a resolution…calling the debt ‘a threat to the national security of the United States’ and calling expected future budget deficits “unsustainable, irresponsible, and dangerous.”

The Great Debate – the game continues….

Bill Bonner’s article, Time to get serious explains:

“Neither candidate has any intention of squaring off against the big spending, parasite elites.

  • Neither will balance the budget.
  • Neither will challenge the warmongers.
  • Neither will suggest to the Fed that it leave interest rates alone, rather than encourage more borrowing with a lower Fed Funds rate.

The idea of avoiding bankruptcy or preventing WWIII never even came up in the Great Debate.”

Friend Chuck Butler chimes in:

“Here’s the thing that’s been on my mind about the two Presidential Candidates and the economy… Both of them refuse to address the elephant in the room… And that is our Debt, and what they are going to do about it…. They won’t either, because both of them will add to the debt by whopping amounts…

And if you think that’s no Big Deal, we’ve added debt before…. Here’s something that should put goose bumps down your spine… The U.S. government will spend a record $1.2 trillion on interest payments in 2024, the highest amount ever recorded. …. And it just keeps getting worse, folks…”

Bonner adds:

“It’s an election year…when brightly-colored campaign promises fall to the ground like autumn leaves…and rot.

…. Tighten up — with spending cuts. Or loosen up — with interest rate cuts.

The first pill is hard to swallow. It causes immediate discomfort. The second is a happy pill — at least, for a while. It makes the bubble economy even more bubblicious. Neither candidate has any intention of taking the hard pill.”

RT Russian quotes Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, summarizing the Great Debate:

“Speaking on Radio Sputnik…she did not consider (the debate) a high-profile event. It mattered as much as the outcome of a hypothetical wrestling match on board the ill-fated Titanic….

‘Who do you think won? Why would that matter? The iceberg is 15 minutes away,’ she said.

…. She said neither Trump nor Harris intended to get to the wheel to change the course of the ship. America is on its way to a “total, global disaster” and the rest of the world is trying to prepare for it….

The debate itself…was a mixture of ‘fantasizing about the future’ and citing some facts about the past, with the candidates failing to agree on what those facts were.

‘We were given the latest show by people who apparently never ever take any responsibility for what they say.’”

Going down the drain….

Tornado dollars to drainThe world knows what’s happening. Why would any country want to go to war when they see America and the dollar being destroyed from within. They don’t have four-year election cycles, they can wait; the US empire can easily crumble without firing a shot!

Nobody Gives A Damn….

Neither Bidenomics or Trumpenomics will ever work! Why?

The “us versus them” charade is not democrats versus republicans; it is us, the citizens, versus them, the irresponsible government.

While the cowardly senate passed a stupid resolution calling the debt a threat to national security, I don’t see any candidates for federal office proposing meaningful spending cuts. Instead, we hear no taxes on tips, overtime, special tax credits, you name it; buying votes with phony money.

Meanwhile the irresponsible political class ignores the real problems of spiraling interest on the ever-growing national debt. The politicians have spent us past the point of no return and, using my best Rhett Butler imitation, “Frankly don’t give a damn!”

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