The Plan Is to Spend Us Into Oblivion


from Moonbattery:

The rubber is about to hit the road. The Wall Street Journal reports:

The U.S. budget deficit topped $1.8 trillion in the latest fiscal year, driven by higher spending on interest and programs for older Americans, as the government faces a persistent gap between federal outlays and tax collections.

That is, our moonbat rulers dug us over $1,800,000,000,000.00 deeper in debt — in a single year. That is a staggering 6.4% of gross domestic product.

This obviously cannot be sustained. There will be economic collapse if excessive government spending does not stop.


Kamala Harris responds to the urgent situation:

Harris on Tuesday announced a plan for Medicare to cover long-term-care services at home, a significant expansion of the program that would be aimed at helping tens of millions of Americans who are caring for aging parents. …

The [left-leaning] Brookings Institution recently estimated that a Medicare home benefit would cost the federal government about $40 billion a year.

Harris has been a proponent of pulling out all the stops on spending with a universal basic income. John Stossel explains this alarming concept:

The consequences of continued reckless spending are too inevitable for the impending collapse not to be deliberate. Crisis is the health of the state, as we witnessed during Covid hysteria.

The economic crisis that our rulers are engineering will put Covid into perspective. In accordance with the Cloward-Piven strategy, it will be exploited to impose a Marxist system indistinguishable from communism, under which we will subsist as government slaves.

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