Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Hurricane Helene’s aftermath: The forgotten people of North Carolina


by Dr. Meg Montañez Davenport, BCHN, America Outloud:

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, the people of North Carolina have been left stranded, homeless, and forgotten by their government. Entire communities have been devastated—homes wiped out, families torn apart, and lives lost. While citizens are handed a paltry $750, there are no stores left standing even to spend this money. This token gesture from the government is an insult to those who have lost everything. Meanwhile, billions of dollars continue to be sent overseas, fueling wars and foreign agendas while Americans are left to fend for themselves.


Billions for Wars, Pennies for Americans

It’s not just about the insufficient aid given to hurricane victims. The U.S. government is actively prioritizing foreign conflicts over the survival of its own people. Billions are spent on wars while our fellow citizens are living in shelters or on the streets. It’s clear that we, the American people, are not the government’s priority. In fact, our government appears to be working against us.

North Carolinians are a prime example of this neglect. We’ve seen countless communities wiped out with no real support or plan for recovery. Yet, the government continues to provide housing and tens of thousands of dollars per month to newly arrived migrants. Veterans who have served this country are left homeless and forgotten, while migrants are given resources that should be helping our own citizens.

The Dark Deceit of Government Priorities

This imbalance reveals a dark agenda—one that seeks to weaken the American people while bolstering foreign interests. The government’s role is not to prioritize others at the expense of its own citizens, but that is exactly what we are seeing. The deception runs deep, and we must face the reality that we are being sold out by the very people elected to serve us.

It is no secret that the government, the media, and even Hollywood elites are complicit in this agenda. We see examples of corruption everywhere, from Jeffrey Epstein’s island to Harvey Weinstein’s abuse of power. Recently, allegations involving Sean Combs have surfaced, adding to the growing list of powerful individuals entangled in sex trafficking and exploitation of minors. These “stars” are falling, as predicted in scripture, a metaphor for the collapse of the corrupt institutions tied to the elite.

A Country at a Moral Crossroads

What is happening in North Carolina is a symptom of a much larger issue—a government that no longer serves its people. The divide is no longer between political parties but between the American people and the elites who pull the strings behind the scenes. We cannot rely on the government to fix the problems it has caused. It is up to We the People to take back control and ensure that our rights are protected for future generations.

Across the world, we’ve seen nations rise up and overthrow oppressive governments. The people of those countries recognized that their leaders were working against them, and they united to reclaim their freedom. The time has come for us to ask ourselves if we, too, are ready to reclaim our country. The Second Amendment exists not only to protect our individual rights but also to safeguard us from tyranny. It is time to pray, reflect, and ask whether now is the time to take action.

The Way Forward: United We Stand

Our government has shown time and time again that it will not take care of us. We cannot be afraid to assert our rights and protect the future of our children. While our government continues to support wars and elites, our communities are left in despair. The suffering of North Carolina’s hurricane victims, veterans on the streets, and countless others is proof that our leaders have abandoned us.

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