Zionists Invade Lebanon to Accelerate Murder/Expulsion of All Palestinians


by Kevin Barrett, The Unz Review:

The Zionist invasion of Lebanon isn’t just about Lebanon. It isn’t even primarily about Lebanon. Rather, it is an attempt to provoke a huge regional war, under cover of which the Zionist messianic-millenarian fanatics hope to murder and expel the remaining Palestinians from Palestine. (Yes, they do want to exterminate Lebanese too.) Whether they lose that war, as seems likely, or “win” a Pyrrhic victory that turns the world decisively against them, their project is finished.

Below is the full article I wrote and submitted to the Crescent two weeks ago on the accelerating slow-motion holocaust of the West Bank. -KB

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Crescent International

The zionist entity’s terrorist attacks on Lebanon on September 17/18 and 23 have horrified the world. In the first attack, dozens of people were killed, and thousands wounded, when pagers and radios began exploding. The carnage was indiscriminate. Countless civilians, including many women and children, were killed or maimed by the explosions.

On September 23, the zionists launched hundreds of air strikes on South Lebanon, the Beka‘a Valley as well as South Beirut. At least 569 people were killed and more than 1850 wounded. These attacks continued the following day raising fears that it might erupt in a regional war with catastrophic consequences.

Let us return to the attack in which pagers and radio sets exploded. Mohamad Hasan Sweidan noted that the 9/17 terror attacks have global ramifications:

This shift in the rules of engagement where civilians are targeted not just on the battlefield but in their homes threatens to plunge the world into a new era of insecurity and uncertainty. Governments and citizens alike must now contend with the possibility that the next device they purchase could be weaponized against them as Israel’s aggression moves beyond traditional warfare into the realm of global terror.

The terrorist attack was, like so much else that “Israel” does, a blatant violation of international law. Article 7(2) of the Amended Protocol II of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons prohibits the use of booby-trapped devices like pagers, phones, and radios. NPR reported:

A group of United Nations human rights experts called the simultaneous explosions “terrifying” violations of international law. “To the extent that international humanitarian law applies at the time of the attacks there was no way of knowing who possessed each device and who was nearby” the experts said. “Simultaneous attacks by thousands of devices would inevitably violate humanitarian law by failing to verify each target and distinguish between protected civilians and those who could potentially be attacked for taking a direct part in hostilities.”

The terror attack on Lebanon was followed by a massive bombing campaign. As usual, the zionists managed to kill large numbers of civilians. Clearly, they are doing everything they can to incite a regional war.

Why would “Israel” want to provoke a huge war in which it would likely suffer massive damage, if not complete annihilation? The zionist entity’s leadership is dominated by messianic millenarian maniacs, not rational statesmen. Though many are atheists, they believe the God they don’t believe in gave them all of Palestine—and quite possibly everything from the Nile to the Euphrates, or maybe even the entire planet. From the very beginning of the zionist movement, that long-term plan of ethnic cleansing and permanent expansion has been assiduously pursued.

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