from State Of The Nation:

Where UN Agendas 21 and 2030 Facilitate Disaster Capitalism Land Grabs

New World Order:
Where Chemical Geoengineering & HAARP
Meet The Oligarchy’s Global Control Matrix

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Not only that, but there’s another highly coveted mineral by Big Tech and the IT Industry which also happens to be profoundly impacted by the geoengineered frankenstorm Helene.

Now here’s a an excellent video presentation that wraps it all up whereby the viewer will feel like they’re watching “MAUI 2.0”—the most naked land grab in U.S. history.

For the uninitiated, the entire planetary civilization is, and has been, ruled by extremely wealthy and powerful oligarchs who rule the realm from behind the curtain.

You will NEVER know their names or see them mentioned in the mainstream media because absolute secrecy is the very basis of their ascendancy in the affairs of men.

The Rothschilds and Rockefellers, Musk and Bezos, Gates and Buffett, Huang and Zuckerberg are really quite poor compared to the Black Nobility trillionaires who fortune-building go back many centuries.

Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co