ABOUT TIME: Multiple teams simply refusing to play volleyball team with pretend girl


from WND:

Lawmakers tell school not to participate ‘in the extremist agenda of DEI propagate the lie that biological sex can be changed. We all know it cannot’

Under the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris agenda of promoting the far-left ideology of transgenderism, schools have forced girls to allow boys to be on their athletic teams, in motel rooms with them on trips and in their showers.

It’s happened at multiple levels from grade school to university, where national governing bodies have submitted to the falsehood that males can become females. In fact, under the science, being male or female is embedded in the body down to the DNA level and does not change.

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Too, there already have been injuries to females on such teams because of the greater muscle mass and athletic performance of males.

Of course multiple lawsuits have been begun, and the Supreme Court has yet to issue a determining rule.

But that ultimately may be unnecessary, as those involved already have started delivering their judgment. In fact, multiple teams now have refused to play a “women’s” volleyball team from San Jose State because it includes a male who says he is female.

The presence of the man calling himself Blaire Fleming on that team means that his teammates will not be able to enjoy the competition for which they have trained. And the women on the other teams also will be deprived of the competition for which they have trained.

report at ZeroHedge explains two of the most recent announcements came from Boise State and the University of Wyoming.

Those teams are “forfeiting” their games rather than play San Jose State, which recently advanced its record to 9-0 for the season after being given the “victory” in games that were not played.

The Wyoming team said, “After a lengthy discussion, the University of Wyoming will not play its scheduled conference match against San José State University in the UniWyo Sports Complex on Saturday, Oct. 5. Per Mountain West Conference policy, the Conference will record the match as a forfeit and a loss for Wyoming.”

The report noted Wyoming first had said the game would be played, “but reversed that decision after state legislators began organizing a letter to the university’s president and athletic director.”

Former Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines, who was among the first to launch a revolt against males on women’s sports teams, applauded the latest developments in the social and moral contest over adopting the ideology that men can simply call themselves women, and be on women’s teams.

Some of the legal actions already in play charge the NCAA with violating Title IX by allowing men on women’s teams.

“The suit asserts that including male-to-female trans players not only disadvantages women but also presents a safety hazard…as highlighted in this video shared by Republican Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn:”

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