Mother who was Trafficked in the Jeffrey Epstein Network as a Child Sues Baltimore County CPS for Medically Kidnapping her Child


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Jennifer Guskin was adopted as a baby and spent her childhood being sexually trafficked, enduring Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) in the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking system throughout her childhood. Jennifer was sexually trafficked among the rich and powerful, mainly around New York City and Washington D.C.

She went public in 2017 with her story, and she named names of the rich and powerful that she saw as a child who were blackmailed into sexually abusing children.

This included politicians from both side of the aisle, as she has named people like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, showing how sexual blackmail and sexually trafficking children is a non-partisan issue among the rich and powerful.



Jennifer and Scott with their daughter Iris. Photo provided by family.

Last year (2023) I published Jennifer’s story including a video I compiled from her going public in 2017, where she describes the horrors she went through as a child being sexually trafficked in the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking system.

Her video that I compiled is probably the most horrible video we have ever published, and most of you should probably NOT watch it, as it could cause emotional trauma and nightmares. See:

Child Sex Trafficking with the Rich and Powerful: The Jennifer Guskin Story

As punishment for going public with her story in 2018, the Baltimore County Child Protective Services (CPS) medically kidnapped her daughter, and we covered that story as well in 2018:

Mother Who Was Sexually Trafficked as a Child in Foster Care Has Her Own Baby Medically Kidnapped – Fears for Her Safety

Last year (2023), Jennifer filed a civil lawsuit against Baltimore County and the agencies who participated in medically kidnapping her daughter. See:

Young Mother Sues Corrupt Baltimore County Social Services Who Kidnapped Her Daughter, but She Needs Your Help

Jennifer is suing Pro Se, because she could not find an attorney to take her case, and despite multiple attempts by Baltimore County to dismiss this case, it is still proceeding, with the next court date scheduled on October 16, 2024.

Jennifer was recently interviewed by Independent Vice President candidate Neal Sutz, who also had his children medically kidnapped in Switzerland, where she talked about how she was arrested and kept locked up in a psych ward after Baltimore CPS medically kidnapped her daughter.

This incredible interview can be watched in its entirety on Rumble.

I have clipped the intro which is only 8 minutes long where Jennifer talks about her experience in having her daughter medically kidnapped and how she was subsequently confined against her will, that you can watch to give you an idea of what is in this interview.

The fact that the current judge on Jennifer’s case, Baltimore Judge Judith Ensor, is allowing this case to continue, even though Jennifer has no legal experience and no attorney representing her, is truly amazing and virtually unheard of.

Jennifer told me that at a previous hearing where Baltimore County tried to get this case dismissed, that the Judge stated to the defendants: “Do you understand that she is accusing you of medically kidnapping her child?”

I have never before ever heard of a judge sitting on the bench during a hearing use the term “medical kidnapping,” a term I first coined back in 2013 when covering the Justina Pelletier case, and then later put up a website on this topic,

There is another hearing on Jennifer’s lawsuit coming up on October 16, 2024, at 9 a.m.

Jennifer and Scott with their daughter Iris. Photo provided by family.

Last year (2023) I published Jennifer’s story including a video I compiled from her going public in 2017, where she describes the horrors she went through as a child being sexually trafficked in the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking system.

Her video that I compiled is probably the most horrible video we have ever published, and most of you should probably NOT watch it, as it could cause emotional trauma and nightmares. See:

Child Sex Trafficking with the Rich and Powerful: The Jennifer Guskin Story

As punishment for going public with her story in 2018, the Baltimore County Child Protective Services (CPS) medically kidnapped her daughter, and we covered that story as well in 2018:

Mother Who Was Sexually Trafficked as a Child in Foster Care Has Her Own Baby Medically Kidnapped – Fears for Her Safety

Last year (2023), Jennifer filed a civil lawsuit against Baltimore County and the agencies who participated in medically kidnapping her daughter. See:

Young Mother Sues Corrupt Baltimore County Social Services Who Kidnapped Her Daughter, but She Needs Your Help

Jennifer is suing Pro Se, because she could not find an attorney to take her case, and despite multiple attempts by Baltimore County to dismiss this case, it is still proceeding, with the next court date scheduled on October 16, 2024.

Jennifer was recently interviewed by Independent Vice President candidate Neal Sutz, who also had his children medically kidnapped in Switzerland, where she talked about how she was arrested and kept locked up in a psych ward after Baltimore CPS medically kidnapped her daughter.

This incredible interview can be watched in its entirety on Rumble.

I have clipped the intro which is only 8 minutes long where Jennifer talks about her experience in having her daughter medically kidnapped and how she was subsequently confined against her will, that you can watch to give you an idea of what is in this interview.

The fact that the current judge on Jennifer’s case, Baltimore Judge Judith Ensor, is allowing this case to continue, even though Jennifer has no legal experience and no attorney representing her, is truly amazing and virtually unheard of.

Jennifer told me that at a previous hearing where Baltimore County tried to get this case dismissed, that the Judge stated to the defendants: “Do you understand that she is accusing you of medically kidnapping her child?”

I have never before ever heard of a judge sitting on the bench during a hearing use the term “medical kidnapping,” a term I first coined back in 2013 when covering the Justina Pelletier case, and then later put up a website on this topic,

There is another hearing on Jennifer’s lawsuit coming up on October 16, 2024, at 9 a.m.

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