by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

It has only been a few days since hurricane Helena slammed into Florida’s big bend, leaving destruction and, unfortunately, death in her wake. Normally I am not disposed to begin high octane speculations so soon after a disaster, and when so many people are suffering. It seems to me to be somehow unseemly or insensitive and indifferent to others’ suffering.  I do so today, however, because the following story was shared by V.T., to whom we are grateful for sharing it. I thought it better to comment and speculate on it before the story disappeared, or grew cold in people’s memory.


First, however, a bit of background. Ever since the appearance of Dr. Nick Begich’s and Jeanne Manning’s book Angels Don’t Play this HAARP, I’ve been following the story of the race to create technologies capable of steering and manipulating the planet’s largest system: the weather. Begich and Manning delivered, in spades, pointing out that in the original patents that lay behind the gigantic Alaskan Ionopsheric heater, weather modification and missile defense were two specifically mentioned implications of the technology. That, plus the fact that the project was begun under the Reagan Administration during its “Star Wars” focus, and that it was sponsored by the US Air Force, gave me and many many others pause and cause for concern.  One of the ways that they (and others) speculated such a technology could be used to steer storms was via its ability to create regions of sharp low pressure in the atmosphere, thus driving and steering prevailing winds in a region.

As many regular readers of this website are probably already aware, these types of concerns soon created an alternative community that watched the progress of such technology, creating videos of weather radar tracks and noting anomalies. Yet another community dedicated itself to the story of atmospheric spraying – the so-called chemtrails – and so on. Needless to say, these people were lampooned by the “mainstream” for being conspiracy theorists and their ideas “pseudo-science.” In other words, the usual grab-bag of tricks was employed to attempt to divert attention from the stories.

I followed these stories but rarely commented on them, until Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans in the final weeks of the Bush-Cheney (mis)administration. I remember watching the radar tracks of the storm and being mystified at its very weird behavior. Katrina, it will be recalled, tracked through the Gulf of Mexico on an east-to-west course, and looked as if it was headed for a land-fall somewhere on the Texas coast, probably around Galveston and Houston. As it came directly south of New Orleans, however, it veered so sharply northward that it looked almost as is the hurricane had executed a perfect ninety-degree turn, and headed instead for the Louisiana coast. As this happened, I remember watching a weather report showing the weather radar, and the jet stream, Just prior to hitting New Orleans, the jet stream veered suddenly southward, as if someone was trying to push or steer the hurricane away. I quickly contacted Richard C, Hoagland, and asked him if he has seen something similar. He had.  Since that time, I and others have watched “just plain weird” behavior on the part of some storms and disasters: California fires that follow the designated high speed rail route, tornados in Kansas or Missouri that do right-angle turns (like Katrina) and suddenly veer into a property, destroying it. Indeed, over time, one notices that the normal path of storms in the American plains has changed from a general southwest to northeast track, to storms now bearing down from the northwest or north, and travelling southeast. Something is changing weather patterns, and it seems to be confirming an observation of Ms. Elana Freeland and her research about the subject: given the weather manipulation technologies in play, there is no longer any such thing as purely natural weather. Human interference is influencing it, but not at all in the way that the hysterical screaming Swedish climate change activists or bloviating WEF Enviro-barons imagine. Indeed, the whole climate change narrative, in my opinion, may be the cover story or narrative created to mask this dangerous and destructive technology and the people deploying it, while taxing people for “climate taxes” to raise even more money to perfect their hidden technologies even more. It’s a neat and nifty racket, and right up the twisted alley of the bloviating WEF Enviro-barons and hysterical screaming Swedish children.

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