Podcast – Joshua Martinez – Kidnapped & Caged: Targeted By The Police State Over A Meme


by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

In this compelling episode of The Free Thought Project podcast, hosts Jason, Matt, and Don sit down with constitutional activist Joshua Martinez to delve into his remarkable journey of standing up for his rights against formidable odds. Josh shares his intense and often harrowing experiences with law enforcement, detailing how his efforts to assert his constitutional freedoms led to a series of confrontations with the authorities.

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He recounts how his activism put him on the radar of Detective Kenneth Mead, whom he says orchestrated efforts to disrupt his life and silence his voice. Josh discusses the events that led to his arrest on trumped-up charges, resulting in an astonishing $1 million bail. Despite being portrayed by the state as a dangerous domestic terrorist, he faced these allegations head-on in court.

Josh provides an inside look at his recent legal battle, which concluded just last week with a sentence of probation and a brief period of house arrest—far from the severe penalties the prosecution sought. Throughout the conversation, he emphasizes the importance of knowing one’s rights and the challenges that come with asserting them in the face of systemic resistance.

Ending on a positive and inspiring note, Josh reflects on the personal growth he experienced through these trials and reaffirms his commitment to activism and constitutional advocacy. His story is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring importance of civil liberties.

Over the years, The Free Thought Project has worked to cover Josh’s story when no one else would, standing with him in the face of a system that sought to silence him. While mainstream outlets only chose to smear him, we’ve continued to shine a light on the injustice he’s faced, fighting for the truth to be told. This episode is no exception, as we dig deeper into the broader issues of governmental overreach and individual rights—a conversation that resonates deeply with our mission.

Joshua Martinez on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100055990480014

Referenced Article About Joshua: https://www.reviewjournal.com/investigations/anti-law-extremist-with-terrifying-obsession-of-detective-indicted-2288173/

Our Article About Joshua: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/government-corruption/liberty-activist-arrested-held-on-1m-bond-over-entirely-legal-facebook-posts-criticizing-govt

Joshua&Sons Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JoshuaAndSonsFarm
Joshua&Sons YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@joshuaandsonsfarm

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