How the C.I.A. completely took over the mainstream media with OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD……


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note:

Perhaps the greatest unknown fact about life on Planet Earth concerns the MEDIA, and in particular, the Mainstream Media (MSM). This original World Wide Web of illusion-producing media corporations was put into place at a time when very few understood the influence it would exert over every square inch of the planet. Truly, one of the most powerful forces in the realm of men is the power of language. Being cognizant of this, the true owners of the MSM have completely co-opted and compromised this power/force … … … because they know that “whoever controls the media controls the world”.
(SOURCE: Whoever Controls The Media Controls The World)

In 2024, who could rationally disagree with the preceding excerpt?


Now notoriously known as the CIA’s Mockingbird Media, the MSM is universally scorned as the primary organ of Governmental & Corporate propaganda and prevarication that it truly is.

However what very few folks understand is that the entire MSM was completely taken over with the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency on September 18, 1947.  For the very first mission of the C.I.A. was to exert complete command and control over every single major news platform in the USA, which they did without anyone knowing about it.

Remember, the C.I.A. is well known throughout global intelligence circles as THE COMPANY for a very good reason: it controls all other companies within the Western sphere of power and influence worldwide.

In point of fact, no corporate (or governmental entity) is beyond its reach; and the C.I.A. will do anything necessary to control the narrative of any alternative news media that it does not rule to some degree. See: The C.I.A. created the ‘Conspiracy Theory’ meme to shut down the Truth Movement

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